New Mexico Draw Results Question?

Outdoor Junkie

Active member
Jun 24, 2012
Forest Lake, MN
Hi all,

I decided to play the lottery that is known as the New Mexico Application system this year and I saw somewhere that they predicted the draw results will be available tomorrow. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this? For those of you that have participated, is it true that they always post them on a Wednesday? Do you get an email indicating that you were drawn or do you need to login and look at your status on the state webpage. I shot for the moon on Oryx, Barbary sheep, elk and mule deer and my wife is secretly hoping I don't draw on anything so we get ~ $3,000 back.

Good luck to all,
Only second year I've applied. Dont remember I got an email so I looked it up. No idea about the Wednesday thing.
Last 3 or 4 years NM did post results a couple weeks early, so it's not totally whack. But this year who knows, hopefully we will find out tomorrow. In the past they sent out emails pretty quick, but you could sometimes find out sooner by logging in or following a link on the website. I seem to recall the "congrats" emails came out before the unsuccessful emails, but not sure about that.
GoHunt predicts them to be out the 17th.
Last year i got an email before i even had a chance to login. Hopefully its the same

If you have not received you “Successful” email you were not draw this year. Emails started around noon today and ended around 5:00 Mountain time.

I wish you better luck next year

Just kidding. Sorry just looking to entertain myself while stuck at home. I believe the draw results will be closer to the 29th this year. When they are available, you will need to log in to see your results. I don’t ever remember getting an email. However, I am way to impatient to wait for the email when I can get the answer a littler earlier.

Good luck everybody.
NM always posts on a Wednesday at 1000am MST. They will send out an email as well but logging in to your portal account is the easiest.. the date that's in the proclamation is the 29th but as everyone above mentioned they've been early by about a week or 2 every year. Fingers crossed it'll be tomorrow!
Last year was 6am posted. Emails out by 9am.
2018 emails around noon, posted to account at 10am.
2017 was 11am emails, not sure when they posted to the accounts
Just my personal experience, didn't use the same email account before then.
I've gotten an e-mail notice early the last few years,by at least a week from book notice date. Usually by mid day a week early. Wed. the last few too.
Have not logged in my G&F account before the e-mails last several years because I got early notice of successful/unsuccessful in my e-mail.
For a backwards state we are more advanced with the 'puters than some. And more unpredictable at the same
I’ve applied the last 3 years and have only received an email if I was successful in the draw. No email if I failed to draw.

The email last year notifying me of my deer tag arrived in my inbox at 8:49 AM MDT.
Not again..... Oops!!! LOL After drawing two premier tags the last two years I sure don't expect a third year. Almost had to pick me up off the floor last year. Before that think I was 6-8 years of nothing
Oil is $20/bbl...oil companies filing bankruptcy... got baby on the way... and im like fug it, give me a muzzleloader and new mexico please!

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