New Member


New member
Nov 10, 2003
CO, of course
Speaking of all the damn MM Immigration goin on around these parts... I'd like to introduce yet another one! And, you all know what happened last time I introduced somebody here... :D

Just wanted to wish a welcome to Coues!

Now you have to get off your azz and at least post up a reply or somethin at some point and time anyway! :p ;) :D
OSOK- :p What you talkin bout, Willis???

Coues- warm welcome...glad to have you on the site...!!
Any friend of OSOK's is...well....lonely and desperate I suppose. :D

Welcome to the dark cyberplanet Coues.
Is that "crazyaboutcoues" from Down south ?

Is that the Couse that said :

I can't believe the infamous Moosie was only an hour and a half from me and I didn't get to have a cold one with you. Next time your around Morenci AZ or Southwest NM give me a holler. I'll take you out fishing, hunting, whatever.
I had the pleasure of hunting with Deerking this last Feb. on a piggy hunt. Had a "blast"

Moosie,your always welcome at my campfire.

Or is it a different one ?
How many Cous's are there at

At any rate, I'm thinking this Couse is another made up friend of your's, Althuogh I thought that about the Purple dinasour you kept talking about that you had "conversations" with until I saw my kids watching him on TV.
Not made up,, though prone to be invisable....
Purple dino's??? I shot barney...LOL
Thanks for the welcome, though I signed up a loooooooooong time ago. Lost the site link and couldnt remeber my pass word. LOL
I was thinking this cous had been lurking around for more than a day or two... I would tell you welcome, but I am pretty sure I welcomed you a couple years ago... ;) :D

I'm glad to see you posting now... :)

Got any pics of your name sake
"though prone to be invisable"

Just like the name sake...

Figured I had what it took to lure you out though! :D

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