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New Guy


New member
Jan 19, 2012
Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Howdy guys,

New to this forum but I know many of you from the field and/or the gong show that is MM. After meeting the OYA crew this week in Vegas I decided that it was high time I join up. Anyway, I'm a Gila junkie and chase just about anything, be it with a rod, bow, muzzy, shotgun or rifle. Let me say that not only am I glad that there is a show dedicated to true DIY hunters, but also that the OYA crew is such a great group of guys.

Glad to be here,

Welcome, Cody. We enjoyed the time visiting with you. Hope you enjoy your time in this camp.
Here's some of my recent Gila harvests.




I also love chasing big oryx...

Thanks Lee! Should have taken your advice long ago. Thanks for putting in a good word for me and how's that big bull oryx looking on your wall? Let's talk elk for 2012.

Edit: p.s. for those of you who don't already know him, Lee is a KILLER and a hell of a good guy.

Those are some great animals.

Enjoyed visiting with you and Brian at the Sportmans Choice Awards.

Keep those pictures coming.

Scott! Likewise, it was great hanging out at the award show. Keep in touch and sorry I missed breakfast. Had a blast talking hunting with you and can't wait 'til it's over a real campfire!
Cody ! Danger Will Robinson, Danger ! Everything these guys tell you are extregant fabrications, the photo's have been 'enhanced', and mostly it's all a bunch of horse hokey around the camp fire. But otherwise....WELCOME !! Glad to have some fresh BS to pick at.
Thanks Lee! Should have taken your advice long ago. Thanks for putting in a good word for me and how's that big bull oryx looking on your wall? Let's talk elk for 2012.

Edit: p.s. for those of you who don't already know him, Lee is a KILLER and a hell of a good guy.

Thanks for the kind words Cody but I got nothin on the pics you posted above!

What do you have in store for this year? Another oryx tag???