Yeti GOBOX Collection

New Bow


Dec 30, 2004
Buffalo, Wyoming
I just ordered the new Mathews Switchback XT I shot it the other day and really liked it so I ordered it. Now I just need to figure out what set up I am going to use anyone used the Ripcord Fall away rest? I think that is the rest I am going to use. I will use the Spot Hogg Seven Deadly Pins for the sight and a Fuse 2 piece arrow quiver.
The shop I use pushs ripcords alot, there a nice drop away, with real good customer service the only reason I have'nt been sold on them is the plastic launcher. Plastic and cold with a fall or something and you might be headed back to the pickup early. I was offered to shoot the XT today but declined, had bunnys to go stick, would like to shoot it though. Made a sweet 39 yd shot on a cottontail, had to split the arrow between 2 sagebrush with about a 4 inch window.
I've got a mathews outback

I've got a trophy ridge drop zone fall away rest and it's nice I really like it. I'm also shooting Trophy ridge vertical pin sights that are easy to ajust and get sighted in. :)
I love my trophy taker. Rugged, dependable all metal construction with very little that can go wrong with it. Groups got better as soon as it went on my bow.
check out sure-loc sights. Your going to pay for them, but they are the best. I've got some and I've never had a problem with them. They'll run you about 175 to 185, but If you spent 700 to 800 on the bow why not.

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