New BLM Head Selected

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI

Tracy has been a friend for over 10 years. I got to know her when we were working on the Rocky Mtn Front Heritage Act, and wolf delisting. She was a major proponent for both. She's a hunter, outstanding outdoorswoman & a tremendous leader. This is a great pick for public land hunters.
I can't believe the Daines/Rosie Montana Republicans aren't fighting it tooth and nail ... preferring a BLM director from New Jersey or Coney Island!
Is Rosendale involved in this nomination? I believe it's Daines who Montanans would need to express support or opposition. Senate confirmation, is that correct?
We know how Tester aligns, especially for one who Obama, Bullock, and Tester had on their staff.
Is Rosendale involved in this nomination? I believe it's Daines who Montanans would need to express support or opposition. Senate confirmation, is that correct?
We know how Tester aligns, especially for one who Obama, Bullock, and Tester had on their staff.

*whom ;)

If you are a Montanan, this is good advice. Reach out to Senator Daines and voice your position. For the Record, she didn't work for 44 that I'm aware of. She was the long time executive director for the Clark Fork Coalition, and was at the helm during the effort to remove Milltown Dam & rejoin the Blackfoot & the Clark Fork rivers, which in turn helps Bull Trout recovery immensely. It was from there, she went to Tester's staff, then on to Bullock's, and then to the National Wildlife Federation.

Martha Williams, the former head of FWP used to work for 44 at the National Parks Service as their chief legal counsel, IIRC, before going to UM to teach law, then to FWP before being asked to work at USFWS.
Yes, I was being politically facetious. Bad on me!😞
'Twas a polite black pot retort from a prior comment of yours. ;) All in good forum fun.

@Ben Lamb "whom"... Right! It must have been one of those eh, phone auto f-up's... Ya. that's it! /#SnowflakeexcuseFTW!
Grammar Nazi! :ROFLMAO:

As for Daines... <shiny hook anyone?> Political polarization, be it D or R...
“As with all nominees, the Senator will carefully review the record of whoever is chosen for this role, including Ms. Stone-Manning if she is nominated, and listen to feedback from all Montanans,” said a spokesperson for Daines, who sits on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee that would consider Stone-Manning’s confirmation.

Hopefully, if she becomes the Director of our BLM, she keeps in mind BLM's multiuse and sustained yield mission. I have a feeling this will find one side weighted. I'm a bit tired of bi-polar politics. We'll see. I am sure my public lands side will be elated. Hopefully she keeps in mind our industrial power... hopefully.
Congress tasked the BLM with a mandate of managing public lands for a variety of uses such as energy development, livestock grazing, recreation, and timber harvesting while ensuring natural, cultural, and historic resources are maintained for present and future use.
I know Tracy personally. Swapped some emails with her in February while she was at NWF. Many of us have worked with her on conservation projects and when she was part of Senator Tester's staff. In that experience, she has shown a very good understanding of hunting issues and the importance access plays for hunting.

If you saw the entire list of possible nominees floated around and you compared their backgrounds to Tracy, you would find Tracy way more moderate and way more understanding of the issues this forum discusses on a regular basis. This is a good choice for hunters, access, and conservation.

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