Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Nevada Pronghorn Adventure


Aug 11, 2011
Helena, Montana
Just returned from Nevada where I accompanied a good friend who drew a tag for pronghorn. We found a lot of bucks in various types of terrain. No ATV's here. My GPS says we typically walked 4 to 6 miles a day. The heat gave us fits with our optics. Hunting big lone bucks in the cedars (junipers) was a new and challenging experience for both of us. Here's some pictures to give you a feel for the adventure we enjoyed.

This next picture is of a buck we watched come out of the cedars onto a lakebed for about ten-minutes one evening and then turn and go back into the trees, giving us only short glimpses 'til finally disappearing not to be seen again. we were glassing him from about 1200-yards. Notice the curl on top in addition to his huge prongs.
A couple of days later after spotting a buck a long ways from us that resembled the big guy that showed himself so briefly on the lake bed, we decided to close the distance. After a three mile stalk we closed in on the downwind side of the buck in scattered cedars. It was more like a mule deer stalk than antelope. Ralph went ahead alone when we saw antelope hide through the trees. His initial thought, when he got a good look, was that it might be the big buck. Then he wasn't sure, but this guy looked too good to pass on after hunting six days. He shot him at a little over 100-yards. I was watching the whole time through my 10x bino's and was sure it was not the big one. All the time wondering if Ralph would take him anyway.

Ralph is a professional taxidermist who specializes in lifesize mounts. So, after a tedious amount of time he finished skinning his trophy and I took over and boned him for the two mile pack to a spot we could get the jeep to. Ralph went for the jeep and I took a nap. When we got to camp in the late afternoon and hung things up in the shade of a cedar tree, it was time to kick back, relax and drink the last two beers. We were talking loudly and moving around preparing to cook up some dinner, when I noticed a white spot half a mile away. Grabbed my bino's and confirmed it was an antelope coming to check us out. He was a nice one as you can see in these pictures.

Him coming in like that was like icing on the cake. We had a great hunt and a really good time in Nevada. Here are a few final shots taken that evening and the next morning.

Congrats! Junipers look like they were nice to have a little shade. I can't imagine calling an entire antelope out for a mount. There would be tufts of fur everywhere if I was behind the knife...
Sounds like a great time, thanks for sharing.

I really need to hunt Nevada. I've only been from Reno west into California.. not nearly as pretty country as you were in.
unique buck for sure!

lots of antelope killed up close and personal. I like it!
Now that looks like a fun hunt. I itching to get out with the rifle, but it'll be another month before deer season opens. Congrats on a great buck and thanks for sharing.
Congratulations on a great hunt and a great buck. Seeing these antelope is really making me look forward to next month in Wyoming, I'm about ready to say the heck with harvest and go now.
Super! Some interesting looking country. I'd bet a photo of some of that area from 50yrs ago would hardly have a tree on it...
Great buck and pictures! Really unique horns on him.
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