Need your help here!


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Bozeman, MT
Hey everyone! I usually don't have any problem jumping on and asking for help when it comes to helping someone else but usually more reluctant to ask for help when its for me.......I was apparently selected as one of 12 finalists on the Kuiu Facebook page for my Dall Sheep photo I submitted to them last year.....Well, the person whe ends up with the most votes will win an all expense paid Coues Deer hunt in Mexico this January!!! I would reallly like to do this hunt as I have never had the opportunity for this before. If anyone has an extra 10 seconds of time and could VOTE for me on the KUIU Facebook page, I would greatly appreciate it. I'll try to copy the link here to make it easy, hopefully my low computer skills will get it done. Thanks everyone in advance for helping me out by voting for me.!!!
Done. Thank you for all the help that you have provided to others, and thank you for sharing great stories and photos with us here. Good luck on winning!