Need to vent

Keep on keeping on


I feel what your talking about. I am not an EMT but a current detective, former road deputy, former undercover and former TAC officer. I have seen those accidents, gun shots and sexually abused children. The worst for me is telling the parents about their child and also watching the autopsy. If anyone has ever watched the autopsy of a small child you know what I am talking about.

I am glad to hear you venting as that is a good form of stress release. I had a incident that I still have issues with. A mother came home and found her son had been shot in the head and was still moving around. I was the first on scene and had to scoop the gray matter up with part of his skull. The mother was screaming the whole time while standing over my shoulder. I had a son about the same age and all I could see in that boys face was my own son's face. That boy ended up dying in my arms. Just the one of many stories I hate to talk about, but I must so I can keep a sane head.

Warmer and Cushman, Keep your heads up and know there are people out there to help you no matter how much of a man you are.
Prayers sent. I applaud you for the career choice you've made, it's not for everybody but certainly needed. I did the first responder thing for a while and found I couldn't decompress for days after a call. No way I could do it long term. Would have destroyed me.
Prayers to the family and Thank you to all who volunteer, and work in this line of work.

Two falls ago, four of us were coming home from an out of state hunting trip. We were on a freeway and it was pretty icy. Well a van flies by us in the fast lane and proceeds to slide and roll into the ditch through a fence. It rolled a few times and ejected a few passengers.

We were first on the scene with some DOAs. Two of my friends are volunteer firemen and emts. It was my first time with DOAs, I was alright there, but I know I would have a very hard time doing that job. When we headed back to the truck to get on the road again, I thanked them for all their years of service. Told them you guys are the real heroes in this country.
We need men like you guys. Thank you for doing the tough things
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