Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Need to vent


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2010
SE South Dakota
I have been a volunteer EMT for over 14 years and today we had a call involving a 2 month old baby. Needless to say, the outcome was not good and I feel terrible for the young family. Far as I know, no one on this forum knows me personally, so just asking for prayers for an anonymous mother and father who will never experience their child growing up. Thanks for your time, Warmer.
I know your pain. I too am an EMT after retiring from the Army as a combat medic. On patrol in Iraq one day we were in a 'friendly' village and as we were leaving the village got hit with a mortar attack. We turned around and went back into the village and a woman walks up to me holding a child, no more that 2 or 3. The child was bleeding from shrapnel to the head and chest and there was nothing I could do for him. That is one of the things that haunts me the most from my time over there. There was also a time in Bosnia where a school age child stepped on a landmine and lost a leg, but I was able to keep that one alive. There was also an accident over the summer that I went on the call for where an SUV rolled a couple times on a curve in the hiway. 2 children weren't secured properly and were ejected from the vehicle and were DOA. Calls like that one make me really appreciate the high blood pressure runs from the nursing homes. I know we are supposed to maintain a level of professionalism and all, but calls dealing with children always kinda mess with ya...
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God bless you guys. It takes a special person to do the extremely important and professional job you do. Feel free to vent anytime. Thank-you for doing what you do.

WILCO with prayers for the unfortunate young family.
God bless you guys. It takes a special person to do the extremely important and professional job you do. Feel free to vent anytime. Thank-you for doing what you do.

WILCO with prayers for the unfortunate young family.

X2, on all points mentioned.
Warmer thanks for volunteering and trying with all your might to save that baby. Death stinks. There is great loss for that family and I pray that seen and unseen arms will hold them and keep them through these next days weeks months and longer of grief and missing.
Sounds like you had a very rough day at work. These parents will be in my prayers. Losing a young child is something no one should have to live through. You and JohnCushman are doing great service for your communities and are appreciated. Stay safe and hang in there.
Our family had a tough week also. A childhood friend of my wife was killed by her husband - 17mo old baby left behind. Makes you think about life, faith and family. Tough is life
Warmer, prayers sent. John and you do the heavy lifting in the humanity department. I notice and appreciate your work. I'm right at this moment playing with my one year old and three year old grandsons. I can't imagine the pain of losing one of them.
Bless all those in the type of jobs you have and I don't know how you all can cope with a lot of the stuff that you run into on a regular basis!
Sorry, I am too big of a puss to be in you guy's/gal's shoes. But, I am glad there are people like you around who do what you do. My hat is off to you. God Bless.
Thanks for the job you both do. I couldn't deal with the children part of that at all, makes me hug my girls a little longer after reading stuff like this. Thanks again. It takes a special person to do what you are doing.
Warmer, John C, and the countless others like you . . . . THANK YOU ! !

Shoots . . . said it right . . . times like these sure can put things in perspective.

Prayers said for you all.
Warmer- Kids are the worst, I know the feeling. I am a full time paramedic/firefighter and have been in your shoes. Vent all you need to, let it out. You bottle that crap inside of you and things start to go haywire. I recently had a string of fatal calls that included kids and multiples in cars. I didn't want to talk about it, and let it store up. My wife was the first person to draw my attention to the fact that I was not the same. I became very angry and not fun to be around. I know that our macho ideology of "I am a man and I can deal with it" only gets you so far. I ended up talking to an employee assistance crisis counselor. Best thing I have ever done and I am not afraid to tell others. Talking to family will only take you so far because they don't know, never seen, and quite frankly most don't want to hear it. If you need to, don't be afraid to seek out further help. Go talk to a counselor if things don't improve. It is not unmanly, it is smart. Good luck sir and thanks for all you do! Feel free to PM me if you need anything.
Cool thread from a vent and help perspective - looks like you have a nice network of support here if you need it warmer! Awesome bunch of dudes on this site and wonderful to see!

Awesome bunch of dudes working hard, saving lives and helping their communities too. THANK YOU!