Need a new spotting scope


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2016
Last year was the first year I carried my el cheapo spotting scope in the field.

i learned 2 things.
1. Carrying a spotting scope is worth the weight
2. Cheap spotting scopes suck at 60x on a cloudy day

so.... I’m looking for a new piece of glass. I’d like to stay around $1500 if possible as I also need a good tripod. I like up to 60x personally and have looked at a few locally.

current contender: vortex razor HD

im open to suggestions. And input.

thanks guys!
The Leupold SX5 is really a good choice in a new item in your 1500.00 price range. Used Euro glass is another option, and spending more is another. Can you tell us what you were using this year that was so horrible?
Last year was the first year I carried my el cheapo spotting scope in the field.

i learned 2 things.
1. Carrying a spotting scope is worth the weight
2. Cheap spotting scopes suck at 60x on a cloudy day

so.... I’m looking for a new piece of glass. I’d like to stay around $1500 if possible as I also need a good tripod. I like up to 60x personally and have looked at a few locally.

current contender: vortex razor HD

im open to suggestions. And input.

thanks guys!
Maven has a smoking deal
Last year was the first year I carried my el cheapo spotting scope in the field.

i learned 2 things.
1. Carrying a spotting scope is worth the weight
2. Cheap spotting scopes suck at 60x on a cloudy day

so.... I’m looking for a new piece of glass. I’d like to stay around $1500 if possible as I also need a good tripod. I like up to 60x personally and have looked at a few locally.

current contender: vortex razor HD

im open to suggestions. And input.

thanks guys
Maven has a smoking deal right now called the Yellowstone package. My opinion is maven glass is a touch better than vortex but a touch below swaro but for the price point maven cannot be beat
The Leupold SX5 is really a good choice in a new item in your 1500.00 price range. Used Euro glass is another option, and spending more is another. Can you tell us what you were using this year that was so horrible?
My use has been in Wyoming for deer and antelope. Hopefully eventually elk.

the problem I had with my cheap glass was actually being clear enough to see at 40+x. It’s a $200 scope someone bought me for the range and it works well for that but isn’t clear or bright enough for long range glassing.
Like others have said, I would save/spend a little more and get a Swaro ATS/STS. I have seen them in our local classifieds for as low as $1800 (20-60x65), although I would suggest the HD version which will be closer to $2000. Friends have had good experiences with Meopta, and if @schmalts recommends the Leupold SX5, then I would highly consider that.
Just make sure you understand that in order to see a decent image at 60X you have to go with at least 80mm objective. If you are packing your spotter all the time I would advise against going that route. A high quality image at 45X is better than a shitty image at 60X anyday. You might be surprised if you had a really good 65mm spotter set to 45X side by side with your $200 80mm at anything over 50X. With a solid tripod to keep the shaking and wind buzz down 45X is good enough for most elk hunting situations. Spotter choices suck because there is no one spotter that does it all.
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I have the 25-50x wide angled swaro eyepiece on a 65sts. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve used it at full magnification. Like Schmalts said, the lower magnification works 99% of the time in hunting situations. I’ve also found that if I’m in a scenario where I can mess around a bit I can get a very clear image on a lower mag and then using my phone scope and zooming in more with the camera on my phone. I have a video of a mule deer who was close to a mile away that makes it look like he’s 50 yards away and crystal clear.
The Meopta B2 is a solid choice. Heavily underrated in my opinion. We regularly put my buddies side to side with the Vortex UHD (which I own) and STS.

I personally think the Razor sucks hind tit in that grouping but considering what you pay (I paid $900 for used with 1 season of use) it was my best option.

I carry my spotter + 15’s in a pack and 10’s in a chest pouch. I use one tripod for both. I don’t mind the weight even with that big 85mm objective.

If I had it to do it again I would consider the non UHD razor. The fine focus on that generation was awesome. I am not totally sure the newer model with its inline focus is an improvement.

Good luck.
I have a leupold sx-5 80mm. I’ve been very impressed with this year. It does a lot better than the vortex razor in low light conditions. We had both gen1 and gen2 razors. I thought gen1 razor was better than gen2.
In 2019 I "re-purposed" some coin from another of my dream fund buckets when I saw a demo Swaro ATX 85 on clearance at Midway.
I never had a spotter before this, so I can't tell you it's better than this or that competitor. It's just freakin' amazing. I already had a mondo tripod, so NBD there.
After lugging it around in my backpack a few times, I bought a more portable Monfrotto tripod at Sportsman's. And a bigger backpack....

The only thing I would change is that any new scope will be straight instead of angled. YMMV.

Unless the grandkid is coming over, the scope lives on the big tripod by our bay window. Mrs45 likes it too, which is always a good thing.

If you have the money in hand, and are patient, you can find a deal on Swaro. Don't forget to lurk on the the birding swap and want ad sites. Birders know glass.

Now that I'm in the spotter game, I would not hesitate to go for a Leupold from Schmalts. His price takes away a lot bragging rights for euro glass owners.
I’m really not sure what to do now. I’m definitely off the razor boat now so I guess I’ll keep looking and keep researching.
Thanks for the input and keep it coming!
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