Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

need a bow for wife...

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
My wife hates hunting in the cold. She hates getting up early. She hates walking around the mountains all day. Hence, she rarely hunts with me anymore. Plus we have not been able to hunt our historic hunting grounds for years.

I told her we could buy her a bow. That would enable us to sleep in til 10 or so and hunt the evenings. The hunts are in september which is generally warmer. We could hunt over a stand/water source to reduce the amount of walking. She has agreed.

I'd like to get her into a complete setup for around $400. She's not big, 5' 4" tall but tough.

Do any of you folks have an idea on which bows to look at? We saw a Diamond and a Bear that she liked(both camo/pink)! Or should we just head on down to the archery shop and let them sell us what they want us to buy?
without a doubt you should take her to an archery shop and shoot various bows. If you really love her, make sure a pro makes sure the bow is properly fitted, sets it up for her. Get her a crap setup, improperly tuned, and you both may regret the whole thing...and your last ditch effort to CONVINCE her she likes hunting will have failed. Going to a shop does not mean buying whatever they want you to buy, unless you let then walk all over you.

I have learned (slowly) that when my wife starts lining up a list of reasons she does not like something it means she simply does not want to do it no matter how I dress it up or adjust to suit her. are you sure she wants to hunt at all if she dislikes most every condition that comes with it?
My family has shot archery for years, both for hunting and 3-D. My wife has placed in both the indoor(paper) and 3-D state championships with a Bow Tech Equalizer. It has great speed, and is very forgiving. My wife shot the 40lb limbs. My son competed with the 50lb. version last year. He was shooting 50lbs @ 280fps. We are not parial to any particular bow. I shoot a Mathews, this year my son is shooting an Athens, my wife is sticking with the Bow Tech. Just my two cents worth. Good Luck!!
take a look at the parker bows for her. inexpensive, good quality. not sure if they have the pink though?
Like stated before shoot lots of bows I just took a friend who is female to look at bows and we got her a PSE Chaos she loves it and we spent right around the budget you were talking about
Good luck let us know how it turns out
Or should we just head on down to the archery shop and let them sell us what they want us to buy?

I would personally go to an archery shop ad let her shoot a few differnt bows. Make sure she gets fit with the correct draw length and poundage. Any decent Bow shop should take the time to fit her and help her get shooting. A set up at a archery shop might cost a touch more but it should be made up for with service. This personalized service will put her on the fast track for shooting better and the better she shoots the more she will enjoy it.

To be honest the years I worked in an archery shop most of the wifes/girlfriends would leave better shots than their husband.

My advise would be to help find a good shop, help pick out the bow and mainly the accessories and then let the shop earn their money y setting up the bow and getting her shooting. You should also be ale to get a couple free shooting sessions with a little instruction in on the deal.

Today about every bow company make a couple nice bows in that size and price range. Years ago it was tough to get a nice bow without spending an arm and a leg.
I'd listen to all the above who rec you head to the pro-shop. I used to work part time for my shop here and we never tried to push anything on the customers. I'd always ask up front how much the customer was looking to spend and then show them 3-4 options/combos to meet their budget. I helped several wives get into their first rigs and if I recall they all outshot their husbands:)

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