Need a 2019 and Beyond Western Hunting Partner

Feb 25, 2018
Had a great DIY trip for mulies in 2018, but my hunting partners have dried up. Applying again to SE MT in 2019 plus NM Elk. We’ll see if I draw but looking for a western hunting partner as aggressive and driven as me moving forward. I apply to most states and species but only 3 years in. Realized I need to branch out. Let me know if you need a hunting partner in those states or beyond!

No I do not
You will probably get better responses if you do a better job of introducing yourself and giving more info like age, family, hunting style, preferred weapon, camping, drinking, religion, political views, kind of 4 wheeler, how you feel about wolves, etc... as well as the bikini pics.
What State you live in would be helpful too.
personally I would never plan a hunt with anyone that didn't live close enough to meet before a hunt.
Had a great DIY trip for mulies in 2018, but my hunting partners have dried up. Applying again to SE MT in 2019 plus NM Elk. We’ll see if I draw but looking for a western hunting partner as aggressive and driven as me moving forward. I apply to most states and species but only 3 years in. Realized I need to branch out. Let me know if you need a hunting partner in those states or beyond!

From your chosen HT user name, do you wear flat-bill caps?
BestDeerHunterEver, I'm not hunting NM this year (although that would be fun) but am heading to CO for OTC Archery Elk (22-29SEP) deep in some wilderness areas after an extended trip to Alaska (1-17SEP). I'm a 33 y/o Army officer and in relatively damn good shape and I'm looking for someone for future hunts in the lower 48 that matches my hunting style and ethics. That being said, I'm only 2-3 years in and can easily classify myself as a completing dedicated, learning focused, terrible hunter haha. Let me know if you want to start a dialogue and maybe we can get something planned.
BestDeerHunterEver, I'm not hunting NM this year (although that would be fun) but am heading to CO for OTC Archery Elk (22-29SEP) deep in some wilderness areas after an extended trip to Alaska (1-17SEP). I'm a 33 y/o Army officer and in relatively damn good shape and I'm looking for someone for future hunts in the lower 48 that matches my hunting style and ethics. That being said, I'm only 2-3 years in and can easily classify myself as a completing dedicated, learning focused, terrible hunter haha. Let me know if you want to start a dialogue and maybe we can get something planned.

An Army officer in good shape??!! When was the last time you did PT with the company?? Just kidding...retired Army NCO here :p
An Army officer in good shape??!! When was the last time you did PT with the company?? Just kidding...retired Army NCO here :p

Hahaha, when I was in command I did PT with the company everyday, more often than not they couldn't keep up. Now that I'm in the resting place of all officers (staff) I PT on my own and judge fat field grades haha.
Had a great DIY trip for mulies in 2018, but my hunting partners have dried up. Applying again to SE MT in 2019 plus NM Elk. We’ll see if I draw but looking for a western hunting partner as aggressive and driven as me moving forward. I apply to most states and species but only 3 years in. Realized I need to branch out. Let me know if you need a hunting partner in those states or beyond!

Are you a bow hunter? I am looking for a consistent hunting partner. If you want to chat pm me or 847-514-4230, let’s see if our styles fit.
I am in SE Wisconsin, two of us are planning MT archery. Partners son dropped out if you are interested to talk pm me. Don't know if you can get a tag as we bought a point last year. We are also doing points for WY and hunted CO the last three years and I have hunted MT 2 years.

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