Nebraska Goat Hunt


Active member
Jul 31, 2015
I am finally back in the office from a few days out in Nebraska hunting antelope.

Not going to lie they mentally beat me down. Tough tough animal to hunt with a bow. I was hunting public ground and they were pressured. I could get within 100 yards all day on most of the ones I put a stalk on, getting under 70 was the choir and then even when I did get that close they didn't give me the time to range, draw and shoot. That was probably the most frustrating part of it.

It was fun and I learned a ton about them. I will probably do it again but we will see. I was completely solo on this which was fun at first but personally for me it gets old after a few days. I would prefer to go again with another guy. I also think it gives you a much better chance to be successful. The terrain allows for some decent sneaking but they are so skittish you have to drive sometimes up to a mile from where you saw them to get in on them. At that time it is very difficult to understand exactly where they are or hope they haven't moved. Several times I would come over a hill to only see them 100 yards to my right or left. If I had a partner we could have fanned out.

I have a lot of respect for you guys that can go on a hunt by yourself for days.