ND Game and Fish coming under fire for CWD Management

I think they believe it's unethical. Which if that's their perspective, fine. Just tell us. just had a conversation with my dad the other day and he mentioned attending an advisory meeting years ago, before CWD was as prevalent. He couldn't remember the exact year, but it was over 20 years ago. the main push from the game and fish representatives was a baiting ban, but they didn't get into many specific's for wanting it. just one example, but i think this has been on the game and fish's agenda for many years
Ok, but that could've been 3 directors ago, 2 for sure. I'd guess at least half, probably closer to 3/4 of the staff has changed since then.
Ok, but that could've been 3 directors ago, 2 for sure. I'd guess at least half, probably closer to 3/4 of the staff has changed since then.
true. I guess the point I was trying to make is I don't think CWD is their only reason for wanting the baiting ban. I think it lines up nicely with them wanting a baiting ban for decades. I definitely might be reaching/over thinking it though.
Ban baiting, and shorten the rifle season or move it up to the last week in Oct like MT.
Now you're just being greedy.
@Edwin was at the Regional meeting last week and the first thing that was said was to limit archery hunters. I am open to doing so, but rifle hunters gotta give a little bit too IMO.
@Edwin was at the Regional meeting last week and the first thing that was said was to limit archery hunters. I am open to doing so, but rifle hunters gotta give a little bit too IMO.
Century code will have to change in order for resident archery mule deer tags to be put into place IMO. Part of the issue with limiting resident archery in mule deer is that the century code says 15% of resident mule deer rifle tags will be available as NR any deer archery tags. That equates to about 800 NR tags in total with current numbers. Most of which are believed to be used in the Badlands for Mule Deer. This is problematic for limiting resident archery MD opportunity.

If they cut MD archery tags for residents down to say 400-500 resident tags by unit (essentially the same number of rifle tags by unit), that means NR's will account for 20-30% of total resident tags depending on unit and tag allocations for rifle. Assuming there would be a simultaneous push to go to unit based draw tags for residents, but without changing the NR statute, NR's would not be confined to units.

So all in all, with no change in state statute, if these changes were implemented to residents, NR's could account for over 20% of resident tags, and they would not be confined to a unit, where as residents would.

Would you sign that deal?

I know I wouldn't.
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@Edwin was at the Regional meeting last week and the first thing that was said was to limit archery hunters. I am open to doing so, but rifle hunters gotta give a little bit too IMO.
Currently, I'm of the opinion that before big changes are made to resident archery, we'll need to clean up a few loose ends or any change will have little support from the bulk of ND residents.
1. No more unlimited NR whitetail archery tags - cap it and assign tags to a unit
2. Eliminate the 15% NR archery allocation based on rifle tags
3. Make North Dakotans pick between a mule deer archery tag and a whiletail archery tag. Every resident who wants a tag gets one, but you have to pick species. This absolves the GF from having to include this basic question in surveys, makes the existing surveys much more informative for archery hunters because now we'll know exactly what species they hunted/prioritized with a bow without having to ask them. Success rates will be able to be directly attached to those species. This will also allow us to implement a 90/10 or whatever ratio is desired of NR allocation based on the same weapon instead of rifle. Because we'll know exactly how many residents are getting MD archery tags. Take 10% of that or whatever number ND decides and thats the NR allocation. The segregation of tags by species, to me is somewhat foundational, not just to a potential change, but to data and common sense management.

Once these 3 things are done, going to a unit based limited draw for MD archery would be easy to do, it would just be a matter of taking that archery data and figuring out allocations, and we would have direct data to support or object to that potential proposal.

If the GF tries to go to limited draw archery mule deer for residents straight away, without addressing NR allocation, without segregating species and having clear data of how residents are utilizing their time and priorities, without known mule deer archery success rates, they will be met with opposition. Something they don't need any more of right now.

Again, this all my opinion.
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If the GF tries to go to limited draw archery mule deer for residents straight away, without addressing NR allocation, without segregating species and having clear data of how residents are utilizing their time and priorities, without known mule deer archery success rates, they will be met with opposition. Something they don't need any more of right now.
Mule deer archery harvest rates are a wild ass guess at best. Limiting archery opportunity for residents on some of the only public ground in the state should be pretty low on anyone's priority list at this point. Especially when they give out 1800 mule doe rifle tags in the 5 core badlands units and run a 16.5 day rifle season during the rut. I grow tired of these knee jerk reactions from people who think hunting is shooting a big buck in a 3 day weekend and when it doesn't work out the only solution is to whine and start blaming other hunters or the department. As for the baiting and CWD stuff just make a bowl of popcorn 🍿 and enjoy. The Advisory board meeting in Bismarck last week is live on NDGFs youtube channel. Your welcome
Mule deer archery harvest rates are a wild ass guess at best.
I disagree sort of. I think total # of deer harvested is probably pretty close. What's subject to debate is the number of archery hunters in the badlands and in turn, the success rates. This is where the GF data falls short. But I think the harvest totals are far to consistent to be off by very much.
Limiting archery opportunity for residents on some of the only public ground in the state should be pretty low on anyone's priority list at this point. Especially when they give out 1800 mule doe rifle tags in the 5 core badlands units and run a 16.5 day rifle season during the rut.
Well, unfortunately for you, there are some in ND that disagree. Enough where the GF is forced to have this conversation. I'm thankful that when the public starts speaking up, they listen and welcome conversations. Regardless of how ridiculous they may be.
I grow tired of these knee jerk reactions from people who think hunting is shooting a big buck in a 3 day weekend and when it doesn't work out the only solution is to whine and start blaming other hunters or the department.
I literally could not agree with you more.

As for the baiting and CWD stuff just make a bowl of popcorn 🍿 and enjoy. The Advisory board meeting in Bismarck last week is live on NDGFs youtube channel. Your welcome
I was there until 10 PM that night. Team UOA Captain spent an hour in the hallway after the meeting telling Jeb Williams how all the research that's been done surrounding CWD is wrong, and he's right...because he's a rancher.
I disagree sort of. I think total # of deer harvested is probably pretty close. What's subject to debate is the number of archery hunters in the badlands and in turn, the success rates. This is where the GF data falls short. But I think the harvest totals are far to consistent to be off by very much.
You have more faith than I do. These surveys are great if everyone gets one and fills them out accurately. The survey should be attached to your online account and required to purchase next years license. Maybe that's coming, I know they sent turkey surveys online right away after the season closed this spring. Hopefully they do something similar with the archery season.
I was there until 10 PM that night. Team UOA Captain spent an hour in the hallway after the meeting telling Jeb Williams how all the research that's been done surrounding CWD is wrong, and he's right...because he's a rancher.

I'm expecting the next ND legislative session to be interesting. People like Captain UOA aren't going to take baiting bans lying down. Lots of "chatter" about limiting NDGF authority being "needed."

Keep up the good work, Brock! (y)
I disagree sort of. I think total # of deer harvested is probably pretty close. What's subject to debate is the number of archery hunters in the badlands and in turn, the success rates. This is where the GF data falls short. But I think the harvest totals are far to consistent to be off by very much.

Well, unfortunately for you, there are some in ND that disagree. Enough where the GF is forced to have this conversation. I'm thankful that when the public starts speaking up, they listen and welcome conversations. Regardless of how ridiculous they may be.

I literally could not agree with you more.

I was there until 10 PM that night. Team UOA Captain spent an hour in the hallway after the meeting telling Jeb Williams how all the research that's been done surrounding CWD is wrong, and he's right...because he's a rancher.
about a half hour through watching the meeting on Youtube. not sure I'll make it much longer haha. Whatever his name is from UOA surely only wants to continue baiting for the sake of children, vets, and disabled hunters......I'm sure there's no other reason.....not. I'm not opposed to baiting in general, and I won't loose sleep either way, but the more videos I see from the pro baiting crowd, the more I lean towards a baiting ban. UOA guy sure seems to think kids and vets can't kill a deer without bait though. give it a rest man.......
The legislative session is coming up - brace for impact. I don't see anything good happening.
Things are escalating quickly. Todd Porter Paul Thomas is the representative leading this charge in the legislature. He will be introducing a bill to remove authority from the game and fish to implement their CWD management plan in some capacity. Still waiting on language.
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Things are escalating quickly. Todd Porter is the representative leading this charge in the legislature. He will be introducing a bill to remove authority from the game and fish to implement their CWD management plan in some capacity. Still waiting on language.
oh boy....and it might not even stop at that. the chatter on some Facebook Groups makes it seem like lot's of people want to take all the power away from the game and fish to manage deer herds and turn it over to the legislature. i don't see how that could ever happen, but who know's.
That's what I've been hearing as well. Even if it's not going after more than a prohibition of a baiting ban, this does not set a good precedent.
oh boy....and it might not even stop at that. the chatter on some Facebook Groups makes it seem like lot's of people want to take all the power away from the game and fish to manage deer herds and turn it over to the legislature. i don't see how that could ever happen, but who know's.
Scratch that, it's Paul Thomas introducing the bill.
Sorry to hear some North Dakota hunters are adopting the "Legislators as PhDs" mantra we see spreading faster than CWD. I know facts and science is not a popular sell among some hunters these days, but Drs. Kelly and Kyrsten nail a lot of the CWD issues in this podcast. The good science gets going around the 6:20 time point.

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