NBA is rigged


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2013
Tonight's game was horrible not sure if it's west coast bias or if the refs really suck. LaBron is a beast but calls were going towards the cavs. I hope the Warriors stomp them in 7. Knowing how the NBA refs are corrupt and gamble worse that a native Nevadan on meth. I though the cavs would win last year but this year is bullsh!t. Suspended draymond for LaBron being a dick is bias. Sorry about my rant I love America glad this is my biggest strife tonight.
I disagree. It was a poorly officiated game. There were 3 fouls called on Kevin Love in which there was no contact. Took him out of the game.

Cleveland was better and much more composed team tonight.

On Dramon's last foul, he should have received a technical and would not have played in Game 7. Referees gave Golden State a break.

Lebron JAMES is fouled on every drive to the basket. He is so strong that the referees never make the call. It is still a foul.
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Not sure I'm watching the same games as you what about last game when LaBron threw the ball out of the court? That is a delay of game or a technical. Yes he is strong but no he is not fouled every time he drives. Hope he's working on space jam because he's heading home without a throphy for the fifth time in his career unless the refs are going to call the game the same as tonight. Yes GSW missed some open looks but the refs really swung this game towards the cavs. I don't have a horse is n the race but f the nba might as well have Tim donenheou come back and ref.
I disagree. You only see what your bias allows you. There were missed calls on both ends of the floor, like there always will be. The NBA now has the 2-minute ref report where they publicly release what calls were missed or wrong in the last two minutes of every game for better transparency. Have there been bad calls and biases over the years? Absolutely. But if the NBA wanted top dollar every series would go 7 games, and the finals would have went 7 not 6 last season. The Cavs swept their way through 2 series, why if the league only cared about money would they want to miss out on all those extra games? Also Steph Curry would not only be ejected, but fined and suspended for a game for hitting a fan with his mouthpiece. He won't be of course, so here is favoritism being showed to the Warriors. Green shouldn't have kicked guys in the balls multiple times and he wouldn't have been suspended. Before condemning the NBA and its refs as a rigged organization, think what it would be like to have 20,000 people right on top of you screaming, players complaining over every call in one ear, coaches yelling in the other. It's easy to be an expert when the play is slowed down at half speed and played 10 times over on your TV screen. The ref gets to make the call in live action with 20,000 people screaming. You're not gonna call every call right, and fans or the audience will choose to see the calls they want and ignore the ones they don't want to see. To be an NBA ref you would need extremely thick skin. Lebron and Curry complain over every call, and the rest of the players complain over every other one. I'd have thrown them both out of every game with all there bitching. Currys one of the most amazing shooters I've ever watched, Lebrons one of the smartest and greatest players there's ever been. Enjoy greatness and enjoy game 7, and get over the rigged conspiracy.
Great game. Warriors couldn't handle the pressure of being out hustled and out played,LeBron played unreal.
I am getting tired of EVERY player getting all theatrical and whining to the ref every time they are bumped.

Game 7 could be entirely different.Looking forward to it.
I didn't feel like last nights game was rigged. It looked to me like the Warriors were just outplayed.

The Green suspension, however, was total BS. Lebron was the instigator. I do believe Green was suspended in hopes that it would force another game and more money for the NBA.
Oneye hit the nail pretty close on the head. Sorry Jeremy, very much a west coast bias. Curry kicks his legs out after every three and wants a call. Thompson is keeping GS in this series single handedly. Draymond Green is a moron, old school basketball he would have gotten his teeth knocked in for all the bag kicks. Lebron does get fouled an awful lot that doesn't get called because of his size, looking back Jordan/Kobe would have for sure got those calls. Lebron has to stop whining though. He normally shoots 6.25 free throws a game, and this series he's getting around 4 free throws but going to the basket twice as much. Irving is playing out of his mind also taking some of the slack off Lebron. Love's fouls last night were bad....almost anticipating.
The NBA is so close to watching a soccer game that I just can't watch. I would have loved to seen LeBron play the old Detroit bad boys, they would give all the players in the NBA these days a reason to cry! ( and I disliked the bad boys)
Refs know that revenues are why they have a job with the perks. I couple of early fouls or just a bad call on a player that is expected to implode with any amount of unfairness is enough to change the flow of a game. I have no doubt refs hold grudges and have faves. A sweep in the Finals is bad for revenues. Having a Game 7 this year with it falling on a Sunday will bring in casual fans and that will result in huge NBA numbers. Unfortunately for the NBA, a Sunday eve NFL game mid-season will have more eyeballs than this weekend's NBA "one and done" game. Rigged or not, NBA is an uneven product and even more so during the regular season where players coast through a road game knowing with 82 games in a season is no big deal if put in a middling effort this game. Try trotting down the field in the NFL and you will get knocked out of your cleats and if you coast to a loss for even a single game then that changes you from 9 and 7 to 8 and 8 is huge for playoff chances in a league where half the teams have a viable chance to win the Superbowl as each season starts.

I will watch Game 7. If was opposite of Pats/Panthers game though would not watch except during commercial breaks.
Lebron James definitely instigated the incident with Dramond. Dramond put himself in danger for kicking the balls of players in other games. Dramond was suspended for multiple infractions, A dirty player. He was not suspended for hitting Lebron in the balls. It was the final straw. He is still in danger. Another tech and he is gone.

A good player should not let himself be put in this position.

Stephon Curry played stupid defense after his first 3 fouls. He stripped Kyree on his 5th foul. From the referee angle, it looked liked a foul. Stupid to put yourself it this position, He is used to getting the benefit of the call. This is the playoffs and not the regular season.

Stephon is the best offensive player and shooter ever. Lebron is the best player ever. Not yet and maybe ever, the best winner.
I did say player and not winner. No question of winner is Michael.

editing to clarify my flippant reply,

Lebron can guard the 1 thru 4 as an all star. Can guard the 5 in most cases. Bogus is not problem and he it gone. Kareem, not a chance in hell. There is no Kareem is todays game.

Jerry West is my favorite player. Did not win until he got Wilt. Always in the finals and got beat. Walt Frazier and Jerry West were the best finals ever. Like versus like.

There is not anyone with similar skills with Lebron .
Golden State had Stephon cover Lebron. Aint't happen.

Best summary, Lebron plays defense on multiple positions. Michael All Defensive team on guard play. Lebron can play post and 3 point and is the best passer in the league.

Will never surpass Michael. 6 straight wins is in the books. Best player does not always win!
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Kerr's comments about Curry's fouls are hilarious. Basically said you don't call fouls on the MVP. Well, MVP's don't throw tantrums and chuck their mouthpiece into the crowd. mtmuley.

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