Navy threatens farms and wildlife


New member
Jan 8, 2001
Ellsworth, IL, U.S.

"Residents, environmental groups and farmers in this area of eastern North Carolina are continuing to battle against the proposal, citing its proximity to the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge and the problem thousands of swan, geese and other waterfowl will pose for Navy jets. Groups such as the Audubon Society and the Sierra Club are fighting the proposed landing field. Experts in aviation hazards point out the large numbers of birds that inhabit the area 50 percent of the year."
As pro military as I am, I think it sucks when the govmunt tells you they are going to take possesion of your land and here is a check have a nice day. As far as the bird argument goes I don't think that is a factor as the navy is not going to risk losing 25 to 40 million dollar fighters over a flock of ducks.

Hopefully the navy will look elsewhere, preferably to land that the guvmunt already owns, if such land exists in that part of the country to begin with.
Having spent 4 years in the navy as topside safety on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS. Constellation during the Viet Nam War, i know first hand that foreign objects in jet intakes equals a bad day. What are they planning on? relocating the ducks