Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

National Elk Refuge - You gotta love it


New member
Jan 16, 2001
Rigby, ID USA
Here I sit on the deck off my room at the ELK REFUGE INN in Jackson, WY. A few hundred yards out front are thousands of elk. With the spotting scope I was able to pick out several huge 8x7 bulls and many in the 380 class. On the drive over we stopped in Alpine and looked at thier refuge where close to a thousand elk and still more big bulls were hanging out. The drive up the canyon to Jackson has another refuge along the river with several hundred elk. The owners of this motel put out feed in the winter for deer on the back side of the motel and there was a 160ish 4x4 standing on the back step an hour ago and several does and small bucks hanging around. YOU GOTTA LOVE IT. Plan to hang out on back side of the refuge tomorrow and look for Sheep and big cats or wolves. Gotta enjoy it while I can, Tuesday its back to work!

That is just COOL Russ!

Should I add my spotting scope to the stuff we are packing for Jackson hole in 2 weeks?
The skis and baby stuff take up so much room I'm not sure I can fit more in!

Do ya have a digital camera....with ya?
That was the other Elkchaser,,The spelling gives it away..LMAO!!
But thanks though..
Hey wheres the pics ???
Camera is not digital, but I will try to get some pics posted next week. Definitely don't forget the spotting scope!

Headed your way this weekend, blacktail boy, gotta visit the folks in Shelton.

You should have let me know you were headed over here, I could have bought you a cold beer or a cup of coffee. I live up the road from the refuge and get to see them everyday. You are right, YOU GOTTA LOVE IT.
My inlaws just live up the way in Brinnon..I will be over in that area in the middle of Feb...
I have to say that I'm jealous! I spent the weekend in Pine, ID. Several elk winter their but I only saw cows. I had the family so I couldn't get too carried away. The main winter grounds are not accessible by vehicle during the winter.

I was just about to make a smart assed remark about Russ ignoring his friends up the road. Now we have to contend with an ELKCHASER and an ELKCHSR? Why can't one of them become and ELKCATCHER?

I just look for the one who knows my name and the one who always acts like a kid. That's how I know it's the real "ELKCHSR".
LMAO you guy's...
I caught two of them this last year Dan...But I don't think I want to confuse every one and change now...LMAO!!!Besides, most of the time I still chase the buggers before finally scoring on one..LOL...
Hey Elky, You and I should both be in the shape that boy is in. Then we could run down elk like he does.... I would say he is aptly named.....

get some pics posted!!!!!!!!! Hey better idea, stop wasting your time here and do a little OT at work and buy a digital camera and post them daily!!
I got a few pictures back and scanned today, but can't figure out how to post them. Anybody know the secret?

ELKCHASER (for the last 2 years, I just chase, and help carry others elk out)