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Nacho Liebre'


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Watching it in about 40 mins........

I'm Excited !!!!!!!!

NAAAcchhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!

"WHO ?!?!?! "

Guitarzan Bought it and is Coming over for Date night !!!! Man, I'm Fired up !! Anyone else watch it ?!?! HUH HUH ?!?!?
I saw it. Yeah, it has the Napoleon Dynamite kind of thing going but I thought it was okay. Nacho and his ring partner were pretty funny.
I forgot my REVIEW.. Let's jsut say it's 3 thumbs UP !!!!!!!

..You know Pablo, When you are a man,
Some-t-yyyme's you wear stretchy Pa-ynts in yu' roooom.
It's jus' for fun.

.....People they thing I don't know a Buttload of Crap About the Gosple , But I do !!!!!!

That movie Is better then a Burrito Grande' !!!!!
amen brother!!!!.....amen!!!!:cool:

"be greatful juan is esspecially delicious..:eek: "

"wrestleing is a sin, people cheer for them, but they are false idols...

You know Pablo, When they were Screaming my name, It gave me Streangth to rip my Blouse.......
Where is you're Robe ?

Uhhhh It was a'Stinky.

These are my Recreational Cloths......... WHHOOOOOOOpash !!

They look Ess'pensive.

Uhhhh Thank you !!!

:D :D :D
"HEY, what are you two looking at, Can't you see that this is a NUN ? "

"I'm going to the wilderness, Probably to Die".
Napoleon was a brilliant commentary on class structure and and societal predjudices. Nacho was a few too many hits of the bong after a Tenacious D concert. :rolleyes:

OK I fully made that first part up. :D
Speaking of the singing :

People on the Streets they throw him treat, they throw him Candies.......
Is he any good ? We Will not know, He will not FIGHhhhhhht these......
duh duh and something something something that rymes with Pansies .... ;)

"How did you get here so fast ?"
"I used the tunnels!"

what is this??:confused:


there is no flavor, there is no spices....where are the cheeips:confused:

uh.....somebody stole them:(

did you not tell them they were god's cheeips:confused:
your only duty is to cook:BLEEP:
do you not realize i have had Diarrhea since Easters:confused: :BLEEP:
I was wondering if you would like to join me in my quarters this night... for some toast.

Don't you want a little taste of the glory? See what it tastes like? Just one time!

Sister Encarnación: Well, my favorite color is light tan. My favourite animal is puppies. I like serving the lord. Hiking, play volleyball...
Nacho: You gotta be kidding me. Everything you just said, is MY favourite thing to do, every day!

Nacho: I'm a little concerned right now. About... your salvation and stuff. How come you have not been baptized?
Esqueleto: Because I never got around to it ok? I dunno why you always have to be judging me because I only believe in science.
I saw this in the theater and it didn't seem that funny. Old 06-29-2006, 11:41 PM
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Nacho something
Can't remember the title but on fathers day my daughter took my wife and I to dinner and a movie. First time I have been to the movie's since ....I can't remember. It must be 20 years. Anyway I picked this movie cause the goofy commerials made me laugh. Thought it would be like Benny Hill. I laughed a few times but I'm glad I didn't spend money to see it. My daughter works there so we got in for free.

Maybe I'll watch it again.
I know that lots of folks think Jack Black is the bomb and that's fine, but for some reason he creeps me out. I guess it might have something to do with his real-life subversive ethics and Hollywood cocktail party politics. Something tells me that I wouldn't get along with him at all if I was forced to sit in the same room with him. I think Rock and Roll High School really killed it for me. My 12 year old niece could dream up a more compelling storyline AND be twice as funny. A German Shepherd coulda played his part -and should have.
I won't begrudge anyone for wanting to enjoy laughing at Black's inane brand of humor... and just because his intensity bothers me, doesn't mean that anyone else needs to follow suit. A comic movie clown alternately spouting leftist banter like Jane Fonda and pretending to be Ghandi somehow takes all the laughter out of it for me. Like it's all an act... stunts for the easily amused.
Give me the 3 Stooges any day of the week. I've patterned my life after them... can't anyone tell?
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