My wife needs help

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
She has been taking the Idaho bowhunter ed class online and would have finished today, but, when she logged in, the site has changed. She is told she has to retake the class under the new format. This is not a huge issue except for the time invested/wasted.
The problem arises when we looked for a 'field day' class. After she completes the internet class she is required to take the 1 day field day class. Problem is, Idaho has none available as far as is posted on line. There are also no regular classes available within 100 miles. I thought that she could take the Tennessee internet class and then attend the field day when she comes to visit in June but encountered the same 'no class' issue. I checked bowsite(sorry) for some info but struck out there too, Any ideas?
Are there any listed class room bowhunter courses nearby? I'd check with one of those instructors to see if they would let you join in for the field day. You are in region 6 correct?
I am looking at taking the online and then the field day for archery soon as well. Although I can't help you out with the online part I do have a name of a local instructor that I plan on contacting to see if he will set a field day up. What part of Idaho are you in?
If you can talk her into it they are holding several qualifications classes up here in AK. I took mine last weekend. It's a stretch but it'd be worth the drive/flight.
I am in Idaho Falls. I have checked online and they have no scheduled classes this side of Twin Falls.Still looking at other states as well. Alaska? You bet I'd like ANY excuse to get back up there but to take a hunter ed class might be a stretch!
I should know more by the end of the week not sure where it would be held but I assume it would be no further than Twin.
Sorry it took so long but the guy I was supposed to get a hold of isn't involved anymore and I played phone tag with a few others before I hit a dead end. I do see that there is a class in Jerome the 19th of May that I just signed up for if that helps.
I thank you all for the advice and ideas.
I was discouraged so I sent an e-mail to the director's office. I said simply that the state required a class but did not offer the class. I mentioned potentially losing a female archer through the cracks.
The next business day I received an e-mail from a local archery instructor. The instructor was very nice and helpful and understanding of my wife's situation. With the help of this instructor, my wife has passed the online coure and is anxiously awaiting the field day she is enrolled in.
Thanks go out to the instructor!!
Good to hear it sounds like you had better luck with the instructors over there than I did. I got an I don't do that any more answer then a call someone else answer and ended with an I'm not certified and they just bumped the certification class back another month answer.