My whitetail this year


New member
Jul 25, 2010
Tough year to be trying for a big deer. I found that the whole upper age group is wiped out in the area I hunt. Seeing a 150" deer is as tough as finding a 170 in years past. That being said I had a good hunt this year and it was fun. I helped a couple buddies whack some deer and we killed a couple good ones.
I got a little impatient after a week of hunting and decided to pack it in with this one. I say one a lot bigger I past up the 2nd day and now I am kicking myself. I haven't hear or seen much of too many monster bucks this year being killed so I imagine most of Alberta is the same as what I was seeing. Tons of 2.5 and 3.5 year old bucks but not much older than that. Hope you like the pics



Well, a four-point is a four-point, but, then again, there was the big one. Hmmm, that's hunting.
Cold is right. It hit -25 celcius a few times in the week I was out. If you notice all of the trees have some light snow on the branches. The bucks pile it up on their faces while chasing the does and it turns to ice on their faces. This buck almost couldn't see out of his eyes it was all clumped up. After you gut them they are usually frozen after a few hours for the most part. Fun times trying to heat it up in the garage just to get the skin off of it. :D It was a fun week of hunting and can't wait till next year already.
Something about big massive bucks that are appealing, scores be damned. I really like that one. Congrats.
Holy mass! Nice buck and happy thanksgiving

Mass is o.k on him. I liked the dark horns the most. I should be saying Happy Thanksgiving to you guys. We had ours a month ago up here on Canada!! :) Enjoy your holiday guys.
Great buck Nube. I have to agree, dark horns give me a chub. Not used to seeing that in a whitey.

Did that guy spend the night in the woods? That front leg in the last shot looks like that might have been the case.
Great buck Nube. I have to agree, dark horns give me a chub. Not used to seeing that in a whitey.

Did that guy spend the night in the woods? That front leg in the last shot looks like that might have been the case.

Yup he did spend the night there. I didn't have my camera with me when I shot him and it was not very good light as it was almost the end of legal light. He was in the bush and I needed to grab my buddies to help drag him out so I left him till morning. I put him in a good pose and covered him with my sweater to keep the coyotes off of him and got him the next morning. Legs were frozen solid by morning. Surprised the rest of him wasn't. Luckily things warmed up a tad on the way home and he didn't take long in the heated garage to warm him up enough to get the skin off of him. Ate some today and it was great. My wife and kids even liked it:eek:
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