PEAX Equipment

My son got his today.............


Oct 1, 2013
Helena, Montana
I figured since my son Skyler is home from school for Thanksgiving, I'd haul him out to the boonies today... I took him to a spot in Central Montana this morning, in hope of finding him a good buck to put his tag on...

Well, after fighting a losing battle with the wind all morning, which caused a blown stalk on a HUGE whitetail buck, we decided to let the GPS guide us around some private land and to some state ground I've never been to in this area. After an hour or so, we spotted about 20 mule deer trotting down a fence line away from us, and this feller was in the bunch. Alone! The rangefinder said they were 815 yds and still going away, so we decided to try and head them off. We had to be very careful because there were no fences on parts of this area so we had to do alot of skirting by way of GPS... We made our way to the edge of a HUGE coulee where they disappeared, and after peering over the edge, there they were... At the time, the shot was very doable at 540 yds, but we would've had to shoot from a corner of the one piece of private that was there... Again, no fences here...

So we belly-crawled around the outer edge of the private, and Skyler was having trouble getting his muzzle to clear the edge of this big coulee, so he had to keep inching forward, while I watched from the side to see if things looked good, and from my view, he was close enough. He said he could see the buck clear, so I gave a quick shot with the Leupold RX-1000i TBR ranefinder, and I told him to set the BDC dial to 450 and give that buck a 140gr. A-Max Sleeping pill. As I watched through my bino's, his 6.5x284 reported for duty, and the buck dropped like a sack of concrete. He went down so fast, he bounced !!

A quick check of the GPS, said we were 6.2 MILES from the truck !! :eek::eek:

I've never been good at quartering up an animal, but I got a little better today... LOL!!

Great shootin' Skyler...
PEAX Trekking Poles

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