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My son draws a N.M. oryx what?


Apr 17, 2019
My 8.5 year old is a hunting fanatic and this year asked me to add oryx to his pronghorn and mulie application...he draws the July off-range tag.

He watches Randy’s show and he asked me to post here looking for advice. I think I want to be west of WSM on the North, but I’m not sure.

Thanks for helping a dad out trying to get info for a successful hunt. I’ve never faced these issues before because we never drew anything in the west before!
Thanks folks.

I'm not getting a whole lot of intel from the game wardens I called (said they saw 1 oryx off-range in past two years) and I'm hearing from outfitters that its a private land thing...I very expensive, outfitted, private land thing.

Obviously, I'm skeptical and would like to spend a week out there on public land if we can manage to have a good hunt without spending a fortune on guides or access fees to use private land.

I really appreciate any input or advice that you'll share. I find that unlike deer and elk where lots of data abounds, New Mexico Oryx is not often talked about on the Internet. Further, I found out that there isn't a state biologist specific to Oryx in NM so I didn't have a source in the State I could use for hard data, only anecdotal info.
I'm sure it will be a great time/hunt no matter if you are successful in harvesting an oryx or not - does sound like they can be tough hunts! I'll send you a PM with a little info...
I had that tag about 5 years ago and killed one on the NW side and killed one off range on the east side 10+ years ago when it was a yearlong hunt and it still took me several months to find one then. it can be tough hunting and very low numbers off range. best advice I can give you is get off the roads and find glassing points to glass from. you won't hardly ever find an oryx off range near a road. they have got a lot smarter over the years. it will be hotter than the blazes of hell that time of year too so be prepared with lots of water for you and your boy. good luck.
It will be extremely hot that time of year. Like near 100 each day. It will probably be more enjoyable to hunt mornings before it gets too hot. Tough hunting especially from out of state. You will probably put lots of miles in looking for them. I drew it for March of '20. Good luck!!
The off-range hunts can be brutal, but the success rates are still relatively high, so somebody is killing them. The last two I shot took me 8-9 days of hunting each, I think I put 3000 miles on my truck for the last one (about half of that was just getting there and back on multiple trips). It is likely to be a very boring hunt for a youngster, so be prepared to point out all of the other wildlife you might encounter.

As others have noted it will be very hot. The monsoons will usually hit in early to mid-July, and that might help keep the temperatures (and dust) down a bit, so if you are flexible you might wait until the rains start.

Good luck!
Looks like you’re getting some good info from the other NM guys. I haven’t ever had that tag, but know guys that have. It seems like everyone says to be prepared to put a lot of miles on your vehicle and burn through some gas. Get to any high spot and spend time behind your glass. Look for fresh sign across the road as you drive around.

As others have pointed out, be sure you are prepared for the weather. Not sure where you are coming from, but the altitude may be something to consider. The range sits at around 4300 feet, which isn’t bad, unless you aren’t accustomed to it. Also, the sun is a bit more intense the higher you go. Just some things to keep in mind.

Best of luck to you,
A good friend of mine had an off range oryx tag three years ago and I went with him to help glass and retrieve one if successful. As stated before you will put on lots on miles, burn lots of gas, and a good chance at lots of flat tires! We hunted four days and had six flats so I suggest a couple extra spares, an air tank and a plug kit. We were not successful but did see two oryx and all in all had a fun time. Good luck and enjoy the hunt.
My buddy and I had an off range tag a couple of years ago. We didn’t tag out but he got a shot at one and we saw a few others but things didn’t work out. Where are you planning on basing your hunt from? The others have given some good advice, If you have access to a UTV that would be helpful in the areas I saw them. I haven’t been out to those areas lately but last time I was saw a small herd. Good luck!
Might be a really tuff not so fun hunt for a 9 year old.

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