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My N. Dakota bird.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
North Phoenix Az.
Here is My first Turkey from North Dakota. I called in 8 differeent Jakes in about 5 days of hunting, but wanted a Tom. They were tough for Me this year as the first week was hunting in deep snow. Second week snow and lotsa mud. This was different for Me at 56 years old as I always hunted in the pine forrests at 8-9,000 ft. elavation in the White Mountains of Arizona. I found several Toms here , but all private land. By time you found the landowner it whould be dark and or He had some one else hunting it. Twice I had the right to land but let Others on instead of Me. Karma Baby,Karma. Any way the Toms whould respond but hang up or go away eventually. Finally Monday morn. I had 2-3 hours to hunt as I had to work Mon. nite and went to where I found birds and permision on Sat. At day break all the birds went the other way. Great! So off I went. Across 3 coulee's and a creek about 3/4 of a mile to the field where they headed. I glassed up 2 toms 400 yards away and thought chit today is done. I thought try to call and see what happens. They strutted for 15 min. then started coming My way. Took a while and they got 100 yards out and decicided to take a left to the other finger of the field.I said to My self I am done. I am gonna cut em off and get it over with. Off I went again 2 more coulees over. Saw a head at 60 yards going away from Me and I thought hang tight. He was in the 2ft. tall grass then went in the trees 80 -90 yards away. I called and they responded but didn;' t expect em to come. They got quiet. then in 5 min. they both showed up at 25 yards. I couldn't see which had a longer beard so I took the closest one. Man .I have killed a lotta birds but this was the hardest I ever workrd for them. I now have birds in 4 states. AZ,. ND., OK. and Pa. It's all fun. Al different terrain. Hope You al enjoyed the story. Wish I had some better pics. Only a few cell phone pics. at the kill site..Thanks ........BOB!


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Good job. You finally figured those birds out.
Thanks for the nice compliments Guys. Any other ND. birds to show? doesn't seem to be a big sport up here. Most other states people crave it. MTbowhunter84 Guys here in the oilfield brag about the monster whitetails in Colestrip I got a general tag over there, fill Me in . I have never killed a whitetail being from AZ. PM Me and give Me an Idea if You could. Thanks........BOB!
Muledeer junkie, I am putting in here. Thanks for the heads up . If I draw here I will hunt Muleys in Mont. and whitetail here. I got a bonus point here from last year. It is squared to 5, I believe. Hope to get drawn here. Found some good mulleys in Mont. thanks....BOB!
I live in Minot, the Turkey's around town make a mess of a guys patio! I hunted Montana in the 90's, but haven't hit it since 2000. I drew the ND once in a lifetime any moose tag and will focus on filling it this fall.

Here's how the ND weighted lottery points system works when it comes to deer:

How do bonus points accrue in the weighted lottery?
An applicant unsuccessful in drawing his or her first choice permit in the first lottery this year receives a bonus point for next year's lottery. See the following table: (Note that in years 2, 3 and 4, the points are doubled; and, for years 5 and beyond, they are cubed to increase the applicant's chances of drawing a permit.)

Number of Times Applicant's Name Goes Into The Weighted Lottery Year
points Multiplier
+ Current year's
application = Total times
your application
goes in lottery
(year 1) 0 - + 1 = 1
(year 2) 1 x 2 + 1 = 3
(year 3) 2 x 2 + 1 = 5
(year 4) 3 x 2 + 1 = 7
(year 5) 4 cubed + 1 = 65
(year 6) 5 cubed + 1 = 126

I'm at year 3, but my odds of pulling a mule deer buck tag is pretty low because they cut tags in some western ND units this year.
Muledeerjunkie, I am basically in Minot too. There are some big birds in town. People that try to grow a garden hate them, and they do make a mess. They need to have a bow season on em or relocate some.Congrats on that moose tag. If You need help holler. I have seen a fair amount. What area did You get. I live north of town. I spend some days off just checking out new areas........BOB!
Thanks for the nice compliments Guys. Any other ND. birds to show? doesn't seem to be a big sport up here. Most other states people crave it. MTbowhunter84 Guys here in the oilfield brag about the monster whitetails in Colestrip I got a general tag over there, fill Me in . I have never killed a whitetail being from AZ. PM Me and give Me an Idea if You could. Thanks........BOB!

Here is the one I got this year north of Killdeer, ND.


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Nice bird Yotkiller. My wife thinks they look like vultures, I think they are a blast to hunt..Nice country over there.I was working in that area 3 weeks ago and saw some birds there. Fun to see game at work. That helps pass the time in the oilfield. Congrats....BOB!
Bob, congrats on completing a tuff hunt succesfully!
Based on States you have killed in---PA=Eastern, AZ=Rio, and I am guessing Merriam in ND , does this put you within only the FL bird of your slam?
Yup! Bunch of My buddies in AZ. got the Goulds in Mexico last year.. I missed it cause of being here. Missed it this year too. Didn't get passport in time. We will all go to Fla. in the next 2-3 years to finish it off. Do You have a connection there TOM? I been turkey huntin bot 20+ years, turned these guys onto it 8-9 years ago and they are ahead of Me in species. Igot em in Quantity tho..LOL...Rio was in OKla. Merriams in Az. The 1 in ND. looks like a Merrriams or a cross as the easterns were only 16-17 miles away....BOB!
I didn't fill by tag but the kids all did, including my daughter who shot her first critter ever.

Congrats to you nbob.

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