My Musk Ox


New member
Apr 7, 2003
Wasilla, Ak
Finally got out to do a little hunting recently. Here's the results...




6 weeks of bear hunting are next....good luck to everyone.

NIiiiiiiiiice.... So tell us about the hunt man, Don't just dumpo a Picture and leave :)

So, I know nothing about then. Is that a Male or female ? Is that a hard hunt ? Was that a Special draw ? Is there a fence behind the hill you're sitting at ? ;)

Congrats bud !!!
Looks like my previous post got lost...

It's a bull...they stand about 5ft high at the shoulder and weigh around 600-700lbs. I got 200lbs of meat from this one.

I hunted Nunivak Island, which is a permit draw area west of Bethel. It's a lunar landscape, and the temps and wind can be pretty brutal. We rode about 100miles on snowmachines, round trip, the day we found this one.

They have a natural defense mechanism by which they thwart predators' efforts to kill their calves, that involves circling up with the calves in the middle, and the adults all facing outward. This means that they huddle up sometimes, rather than run..and since they are found on the open tundra, they aren't the most difficult creature to hunt. I spooked my herd a couple of times before getting the shot I wanted, so it made for a lot of walking.

I shot mine with 270gr TSX's. I shot twice, and recovered the one bullet.

In all, it's a very cool experience.

what rifle is that--338 sako??? and what load-Barnes triple shock??-talk about picture perfect bullet performance---and I will add that the musky pics are super----chris
It's a .375H&H Sako, with 270gr Barnes Triple Shocks...the bullet does look perfect. I pushed it with around 73grains of Reloader 15.


No, we focused on video prior to the shooting. Due to the cold, the video didn't turn out quite as well as I had hoped.

Very cool!

What do these guys taste like? They make neat full body mount with all the long hair. Thanks for the pics and good luck on the bear.
David--thanks for the rifle/load data--again super pics and congrats--where'd you take him from--guided or not??----chris
Wow...I made the front page. Yes, a full body mount is what I have planned. They are great eating. They taste somewhat between sheep and goat, which makes sense, as that's how they are classified.

I used a transporter rather than a guide. He takes you out on snowmachines, but you have to find/stalk/select/shoot/skin/butcher your own animal.
