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My letter to the NRA


New member
Nov 20, 2001
Tuckerton, NJ
Dear Mr. LaPierre,

I am a patron member of the NRA, thats two steps above Life Member, but you already know that. Being a Patron member means that I support the NRA when I can afford to.

Every week or so, I get a phone call from "another life member" soliciting funds in your name.

Yesterday, I went to a youth pheasant hunt in my area (as a worker, not a shooter). There was an NRA booth set up there selling wares. No other organization was there taking advantage of this event to raise funds but the NRA. But that isn't what I am concerned about. I looked at some of the items and was going to purchase them, but as I looked at the NRA led flashlight I noticed "MADE IN CHINA" printed on the side of it. I looked at the pocket knives, again "MADE IN CHINA". I looked at the NRA stickers for my truck window "MADE IN CHINA" in short, everything that I looked at including the American Flags said "MADE IN CHINA".

Why should I support the NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, with my hard earned and few AMERICAN DOLLARS, when the NRA, won't even support the working people of America by purchasing items, made in America. You want our dollars, but you don't want to help us make enough money to support you. How many Chinese people send money to the NRA?

It is now my purpose in life to get the message out to as many people as I can, asking them to boycott any items sold by the NRA, that are not made in America.

Mr. LaPierre, I own a small business that makes American made products. Its tough way to make a living, but if we are to get America back on the right track, we have to start buying American made products.

My campaign has started today.

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Feel free to copy this and email it to [email protected]
Yeah, RMEF gives out chinese made shit too.

We should hang all of them, even if we do go chase general-unit elk with handguns strapped to our sides every September...what a bunch of azzholes they are...
don't buy it.

We have to get together on this shit or we all go down together, and we are sliding quickly.
American flags - made in China...
That dropped a rock in my stomach just reading that...

Good on you for your support of the NRA. A bit tough to immediately go guns blazing on a boycott - I may have held off shooting away pending a response though unfortunately, I believe you are ahead of the game as I doubt they would make a quick change w/o the bullets flying... They made a defined decision when selecting the items to sell and that should have been a paramount figure to have "made in America".

I'm going to view the items sold on the NRA website and pending the same discovery ~ will join you with a letter sharing my concern.
I didn't say that all items were made in China, I said the items that were at this location...every item on the table was made in China. I don't care if they make 50% of their items in America, and the other 50% in China. Their is no excuse for them to have the items made in China and ask me for funds. Have the chinese donate money to the NRA.
Not trying to pick a fight with ya Sytes, but the only way to get these guys to do the right thing is to stomp on them. If your willing to buy Chinese, Japanese, Mexican products, your part of the problem.
Sure, I hear you, whiskers... I don't doubt what you ran across - it is simply my position to be able to write a letter based on my own observations. I don't think I said anything to the effect that some were from CHina and some not...

Again I fully agree, I just used the one item you stated as made in China as the one that really hit the hardest.

Right there with ya, Made in America - 100% though my pistol is holstered pending my own identification of my target. ;)
don't buy it.

We have to get together on this shit or we all go down together, and we are sliding quickly.

Yeah, you're right. But the NRA is .000000000000001% of the problem. I don't see why you're bent on attacking them.

We were sold down the pike a long time ago, and attacking our allies won't do much good.
Its gotta start somewhere!! Your either part of the solution, or part of the problem. I am not attacking the NRA.
The NRA is an American institution, if they won't support Americans, and American jobs, who else will. I didn't say the NRA doesn't do good things.
It does have to start! Awesome thread that should have every HuntTalker posting a post in support.
Right on Whiskers, I'm with you on that. I myself have been trying this for the last couple of yrs and its not as easy as many think it is. Made in the USA seems to be harder to find these days than Bin Laden was a couple yrs back. I too will write a letter to NRA and ask the same. Thanks for bringing that to our attention & God Bless.
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