My first Bobcat


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2008
It's been quite a while since I've been able to break away for a solid day so when the opportunity came I knew I was headed to the mountains in search of wolves. I had recieved some reports of where a pack had been hanging out so after a little research on google earth on access points away I went. Shorty up the ridge I come across the front quarter of an elk leg.

Looks like I was in the right spot. I stopped to look around and saw across the canyon a bunch of birds hopping around and I pull up the bino's to get a closer look. Looked like they were on the rest of the elk carcass. I set up and started howling for a few minutes then just sat and waited. After no action for about 30 minutes I continued up the mountain. After another 100 yds I cut some wolf tracks that looked to be a day, maybe two old. One track in particular stood out.

What I wouldn't do to find that bad boy in my scope within range. I continued my trek up to a bluff and good vantage point into two canyons. It was the middle of the day and I could see elk and deer in every direction so I got comfortable and started howling again. I quickly had a wolf answer but he was over the next ridge and too far for a hike so I sat and waited for a couple hours to see if he would show his face. He never did show but watching the elk mill around and taking in some breath taking scenery was worth the effort.


As the sun started its decent I could feel a burn on my face. Nothing like getting some color on your skin in the middle of January. It was time to head back down the mountain and I figured I better stop by that carcass to see if anything snuck in while I was away. As I approached I could see something was pulling at the carcass and thought it was just another crow. I couldn't get a good look becuase there was a log laying just over the kill. I moved another 100 yds down the mountain and looked again. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. There was a bobcat pulling the last few scraps off the bones.


By this time I was a couple hundred yards away. I look down the hill and see some deadfall that would make a great brace. I slide down and get into position and range the cat. 185 yds. Easy shot. The log was covering half of the cat but I was not able to move any closer so I held a touch high and fired a round. Nothing. The cat is still standing there looking around. I chamber another round and get set up. As I do the cat starts to feel a bit uneasy and begins to sneak away. Just as he crossing the opening below I put the mark on the vitals and sent one down range. I quickly chamber again and get lined up when I see the cat lay down then plop over. I couldn't believe it. I had never seen a bobcat in the wild so this was quite a suprise.


Although I went in search of wolves and am still determined to get one...or two, I was more than satisfied with this days outcome.
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