Caribou Gear

My Dad died on the 20th

I am sorry to hear of your loss. I know how hard it can be to lose a father, ,mine passed away 3 years ago due to lung cancer (56 years old). Even though you know it is coming it still hits hard. At least he will live on in your heart and mind through your memories so he he never be completely gone. My prayers go out to you and your family.
Jack, I'm very sorry for the loss of your father. I lost my GrandFather a little more than a year ago. He was my mentor and taught me all about things mechanical. He was a hunter, but I never got a chance to go hunting with him. My dad was an ex cop and my mom being a nurse made it kind of hard to do any hunting(but they never found my bb gun!) Grandpa was a mechanic for American Airlines for over 40 years and I've been fixing airplanes at SWA for 14. He gave me some tools before his passing and it's kinda like he's there working along side me!

My dad and I never really got along, but in our later years at least we are talking(long story). I can tell your Father is sadly missed, but rest assured he's in a much better place and I can only imagine how great the hunting is up there!

Take good care and God bless. You are in my family's thoughts and prayers.

Sorry to hear about your loss. Thoughts and prayers coming your way.
Very sorry for you loss. I lost my dad and hunting buddy about two years ago.
I read this post a couple of days ago but could not bring myself to reply. My dad passed away one week ago, Friday, Feb 6, 2004. We buried him Wednesday. I can certainly understand the pain you are going through. I did take some bit of comfort in the posts everyone has left you. I hope you don't mind my sharing in their consolation.

My Dad taught me to hunt and work and much more. We were also business partners for the last 24 years. I am so fortunate to have all the memories and the knowledge he passed on to me. I can tell you are fortunate in the same way.

I know it will get easier, but so far... it really hurts. I plan to move on but never forget and to always do my best to make him proud. That's the best we can do.
I've been wearing Dad's coats, his gloves, his favorite hat, his watch. Helps me mourn but can't explain why.

On Feb. 15th I shot his 22 pistol for over an hour at can targets. It brought back many happy memories.

I know he is gone from this world but seems like Dad sort of continues in my life but in a different way. Can't really explain it. I'm sure this sounds irrational.

Thanks again for all the kindness and prayers.
Jack, as a Christian I will tell you that even though I didn't know your dad I am so happy for you and him that he knew Jesus as his Savior. Indeed he is in a far better place than us. It is still hard to lose loved ones and I am sorry for your loss and I'm sure he'll be missed terribly but just knowing that they are with Jesus in Heaven is such a comfort. Hopefully you'll make sure you get to see him again one day. God Bless.
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