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My Dad died on the 20th

Jack O'Conner

New member
Jan 11, 2003
Black Hawk, SD
My Dad died on the 20th. He was 81 and suffered from heart and stroke problems. His death is really a blessing and a celebration of passing into Heaven to be with Jesus, whom he loved.

Dad was quite the big game hunter in his time. Hunted everything Wyoming had to offer with his 300 Savage lever action rifle and red/black plaid wool coat. Always hunted wearing a brown Stetson with a wide band of orange cloth.

I'll miss him for a long time.
Our condolences Jack, wondered where you had been,
Sorry to hear of your loss,our prayers are with you and your family. -memtb
Sorry for your loss Jack. From your stories, I know you have a lot of great memories.
Sorry to hear the bad news. Hope the rest of the family is well.
Sorry to hear that your father passed Jack. He sounds like a great guy and father. If that old Savage could only talk think about the storys it would tell. Bill
Sorry to hear that also. I hope to hear some more good storys from your past hunts.
Jack I've opened and read this post probably fifteen times over the past few days trying to figure what to say. I'd truly like to say I'm sorry for your loss; but I can't. What I've decided to say is how happy I am for your gain. Sounds nuts don't it; but, before you close this up let me finish. I lost my Dad three years ago Christmas and every morning I wake up and he is still gone and I still miss him. I didn't even like him all that much; but, I did love him with all my heart. Still do. Still miss him terribly. A few days after his death was the last day of deer season and on an urge I walked down to the property line with a pistol and a cup of coffee; didn't even have a license but legal if I make a kill on my property. Well to make a long story short I drew a bead on the biggest buck (16 pointer) I'd ever seen in the wild and he was on the neighbor's property! I'd kind of like to think that Dad had something to do with me getting the chance to see that big fella. After all, Dad gave me life, he protected me and gave me the chance to grow and flourish. He loved me I suppose in his own way and he offered advice and counsel as to the way he saw things. Maybe Jack he even had a hand in convincing our Creator that I should get a chance to see that big buck. Jack, although I know I'll never get over my Dad's absence; Im truly thankful and happy over what he gave me. I truly hope that you can be too. May God bless, strengthen, and encourage you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I lost my Dad 31 years ago, and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him. Most all those thoughts are happy ones. I sincerely hope that when you are remembering something about your Dad, or the times you spent with him doing something together, they will always bring a smile to your face and to your heart.
Sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my father feb 2003 I think of all the good times we had it seems to make me feel better.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-29-2004 22:35: Message edited by: Heavy Chevy ]</font>
My Dad was my hero. When I was a kid, he was this big, strong man who knew everyone in Powell, Garland, and Cody. Wherever we stopped in his old pick-up Dad talked to people he knew. I kind of thought he was a celebrity or something until I was about 10 or so.

Dad always obeyed game laws. Unlike certain relatives I won't name. And Dad made me and the kid do the right thing, too. In the sparsley populated regions of western Wyoming a hunter can break plenty of game laws and never get caught. But Dad simply would not put up with that nonsense; he raised us to respect game laws. I'm glad he modeled the Christian approach to law and order because my brother and I turned out to be pretty good Americans.

I wore Dad's plaid wool coat yesterday and felt really sad about his death and burial. Its hard to accept that he is just gone. No longer lives at that house. No longer drives that Ford. No longer answers the phone.

I'll be missing Dad a lot when the snow comes into the Bighorns in late September. Sometime, I'll share with you guys about the time Dad saved us from dying in an unexpected blizzard during an elk hunt.
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