Caribou Gear Tarp

My 2005 Season


New member
Jan 2, 2004
Lakecity Minnesota
First Day

Second Day of my shooting

The 2nd Buck for the 2nd day, and my boy was mad cause he was not there when I shot, but he got to hold it for a pic :)

The end of the season early cause the tags were filled ;)

On cutting day my ( choc lab.) Gunner seen my buck move ( :D it was my picking on him) and he was gonna help me kill it again.

Way to go yoteler. Looks like you will have your hands full, as well as a freezer, for some time. :D
Way to go and fill the freezer. Thats alot of meat. Nice bucks also.
Wanted to ask a question though??????
Caption for picture 4 is "The end of the season early cause the fags were filled " Is a fag for the word back east???? LMAO :D
got that changed, but I would be quiet, I really don't need to hear what you really like :D

T Bone the neighbors are cool with. Amazed how I came kill allot every year.
Nothing wrong with mounting your buck a couple times till you get it right!!!!!!!!!!
I always thought that was why woman where not invited into hunting camp.