My 1st elk-DIY, Public Land, Colorado

Thanks to all!!

I just joined this site a couple of days ago and posted my elk story. Thanks to all for your kind words and congrats. It's quite gratifying to get such nice accolades from my fellow hunters. Good luck to you all and thanks again!
Now thats a story I want to read over and over! Guy did it the right way, worked hard, had fun and loved every min of his time in the woods. Isn't that why we all are on this site?! Congrats on a great elk. Savor every bite of that fantastic animal and smile big when you retell that story for the rest of your days!
Nice going. you are way ahead of the curve. Depressing to think of hunting elk only once every 5 years, though. You must be a busy guy. DIY is one big reason a lot of guys swing it more often (low cost).

maybe you will be thinking differently as the elk meat dwindles in your freezer this summer. I know I hate the thought of not having elk in the freezer, thus it is a high priority every year. Fortunately the wife loves it too.
It would agree, it is depressing to think of not hunting elk for another 5 years. But, I have a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old at home that keep me quite busy. My wife loves the elk in the freezer as well. She didn't quite like me being gone for 17 days. Not to mention the elk hunt trip being sandwiched in between bow hunting season and rifle season for whitetail as soon as I got back from Colorado! Once my kids get a little older hopefully I will be able to make it more often. But taking my bull this trip helped ease the desire for the immediate future; or at least until next season. Good luck to you in all your hunting adventures! Thanks for the reply!
There's your opportunity for the future take the kids out to their first elk camp in a few years, teach them about the land and wildlife. And get to make another elk hunt out of it too.
My 4 year old daughter was up in a tree stand with me this fall bow hunting. The look in her eyes when we saw a deer was something truly special. It was like she just saw Santa or something! I can't wait for the years to come when I can take them with me all the time!

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