Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Must be tough


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Not Virginia anymore!
being Rinella...

Had a friend try to schedule him to give a talk to his classes at a small college back home. His asking price is up to $15,000 and first class flights. The recession must have been a tough time for him cause he was only asking $10,000 and was willing to fly coach when I spoke to his publicist back then.
There is only 2 hunting shows I'll watch and his is one of them, I've also read 2 of his books. He is doing what he loves and he is getting paid for it. Between the 2 shows I think Randy does more to promote public land. I guess I need to start listening to more podcast to see what Rinella has to say.
Good for him. He worked his tail off to get where he is and I'm sure it wasn't easy. I'm sure it isn't easy spending as much time away from his family as he does, and if he deems $15k the point at which it's worth it, then that is what he should ask.
When your schedule is full, as i am sure his is, you price in what it is worth to fit in another appearance.
While 15k seems healthy, on the other hand I am glad to see he has enough demand to make tht the going rate.

I am sure you could get one of those nit wits with all of the face paint to show up for 5 Benjamin's and a 12 pack of PBR

In my view, we have precious few spokes-people who can/and do articulate a positive approach to hunting for the non-hunting public
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I got no problem when someone charges for doing something for someone that means they are not able to use that time to otherwise make money, be with family and relax. Good for Rinella. As for flying First Class, who wouldn't want to when means a bit more privacy and can possibly recline your seat enough to catch up on sleep. Is not always an ego thing. Sure ain't getting comfortable in Coach flying domestic these days. I am not quite 6' and my knees get killed in Coach. Southwest Air is most comfortable Coach seating for me up to about 3 hours but on longer flights I need extra room for the knees if I am going to nap or sleep. Sometimes is hard to grasp how little normalcy there is when everyone is asking for a piece of your time or a quick chat and, oh, can you sign this and how about a quick picture. Imagine every time you walk through an airline terminal that you are interrupted and if you are running to catch a connection then you are rude. Same at a meal out if you just want to carry on a conversation with the spouse or business partner. So, you fly First Class, you use the airport VIP club, you eat in the private room at the restaurant, you valet park your car and you vacation outside the U.S. hoping by doing so will be a brief trip back in time to how it was before you became recognizable.

I imagine Rinella thanks his lucky stars he has built a brand and is down to earth enough to acknowledge he sought out this path. Much like Shockey. You put your face out there and there is a cost. Does not mean Rinella and Shockey can't claw back some normalcy as dart back and forth to make money. Living on the road is a pain in the rear. Living on the road while being recognized is less fun.
Chump change if you ask me.
Imagine what any talking head gets for a useless airheaded soundbite these days.
Rinella speaks with some knowledge & curiousity at least.
Reality check.
I don't have a problem with it at all. He's definitely put in the time and effort getting were he is. He happens to be one of the few that I think deserves it. There are several personalities on the outdoor channels I wouldn't pay 15 cents to see or hear speak.
Not much when compared to other talking heads/pundits in other industries. Rinella is fair with his message, articulates it well, and is not afraid of a challenge. Something we should all aspire to.
If anyone is worth it, Rinella is. Remember, like others have said, Rinella is a guy that speaks with a lot of wisdom, knowledge, and facts. Do you know how much a politician charges to speak? And first class? HA! They want their own jet. On top of that, none of what they say is facts.. I'd gladly give my money to Rinella. The politicians are getting it regardless, so..
I wonder how often he's recognized in public when not working. Certainly, a lot of outdoorsy people know him, but we're a pretty small slice of the American public. I would be curious to hear Big Fin chime in with how regularly he's recognized in public outside of a hunting crowd.

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