Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Mule Rental Colorado


Jan 28, 2010
Arizona by North Dakota
I hope everyone had a successful season. I was lucky enough to get a cow elk in Wyoming during December. So, today I am looking forward to this years hunt. We are thinking of renting mules to extend our range into the backcountry. We will have an experienced horsewoman with us on this trip and that is why we are looking at this option. Does anyone have any recommendations for people to rent from? What advice would you be willing to share about having mules on the trip?
Thank you and Happy New Year!!
I know good places for horses if you were talking about Wyoming, but not in Colorado. Good luck in your quest.
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In CO there is one big dog on the block as far as horse rentals goes... Sombrero with regional "offices" I am unaware of any specific "Mule rental places"... You may want to explore other non conventional pack services if you are after a result not a specific experience. Drop camps, pack in services, llama or goat rentals. all can get you on a good hunt but walking down the trail with humming llamas behind you will not conjure up any John Wayne comparisons. All depends what you want and how much you want to pay.
Bar Diamond Outfitters in the Hotchkiss/Paonia area of western Colorado. We rented horses and mules from the Ferriers for riding and packing in the West Elk Wilderness. That was 6+ years ago and I'm not certain if they still lease or rent stock. Linda and Dellis Ferrier 970-527-3010
They are good people.
Hating llamas is pretty much a pre-requisite for being a horse person. The pure of heart tend to hate mules too... I like anything that carries my heavy stuff on it's back for a long ways. Rent 15 huskies and put packs on them, it works, but balancing the wall tent may be tricky. (and camp may be a bit loud)
Depends on what kind of place you need. And at what price you want to rent an apartment.

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