Mule Deer Study Survey


Nov 29, 2021
HuntTalk Team,

I'm doing a Mule Deer Study for grad school here at the University of Montana. Part of it is a survey about volunteer efforts, hunting likes and dislikes, mule deer foundation info, etc. It would be super helpful if you guys could take five minutes and take the survey. Also, feel free to post any other topics below that you think we missed on the first round. Thanks!



Survey is closed, thanks a ton to those who participated, as always, completely anonymous and as I talk about far below, we'll post some of the results once we wrap everything up. Hope some of you still have some hunting left this season, if not, it's never too early to start prepping!
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Can you put a category in that survey that let's us share our feelings on mt fwp? Bet you would get some colorful responses for your report. I'll take the survey.

Looking forward to a revival thread of the montana mule deer topic because it just doesn't get enough attention.

Maybe we could call it Montana on the Downswing Chapter 2
Can you put a category in that survey that let's us share our feelings on mt fwp? Bet you would get some colorful responses for your report. I'll take the survey.

Looking forward to a revival thread of the montana mule deer topic because it just doesn't get enough attention.

Maybe we could call it Montana on the Downswing Chapter 2

“Clears throat”
The blue bluebird blinks.
Three free throws.
What time does the wristwatch strap shop shut?
Strange strategic statistics.
Freshly fried flying fish, freshly fried flesh.

Ok now I’m warmed up. Let’s do this. Where’s @timmy
Only issue I had was when they had a banquet down here it was $100/plate because it came with membership. They would have been better to make it $20/plate and made it peoples choice on membership. Would have got way more through the door
Social media and influencers effect on hunting and burning the remaining strong holds of general hunting. Might not fit into your study though. Certainly has put the peddle to the floor of the demise of mule deer. Monetizing a limited resource with the hopes of personal financial and egotistical gain with no regard to the resource.
Done. I’ve had a few conversations with the higher ups within MDF in Montana and have came away with the impression that they aren’t serious about actually helping mule deer and are more concerned with having banquets. I hope I am wrong though.
Done. I’ve had a few conversations with the higher ups within MDF in Montana and have came away with the impression that they aren’t serious about actually helping mule deer and are more concerned with having banquets. I hope I am wrong though.
I certainly haven’t seen anything improve.
With the risk of this devolving into a MDF bashing trope for things that may/may not have happened in the past at MDF, I felt a need to respond.

As MDF's Director of Conservation and a MT resident, I find it very interesting that Grizzlyman has not contacted me (my contact info is on the MDF website) or anyone else at MDF about this "Study" (if you have I apologize, no one I asked knew about it) on what apparently is an effort to improve what MDF does for deer. We are always open to ideas and look forward to the results of this survey, if it is provided to us. We have worked very closely with numerous professors at U. of Montana through the years.

As a "higher up" at MDF, not sure who bigsky2 spoke to but habitat is a priority for MDF. Let's chat.

We have pushed for a mule deer initiative (similar to what has been done in other states) to address the growing concerns with mule deer management and habitat issues (I have mentioned this on our Podcast many times) and don't get much support. Currently MT FWP uses the adaptive harvest strategy for mule deer management which does not address habitat needs, nor other factor important in managing mule deer. I see many habitat issues while I am out in the field, particularly in eastern/central MT, that concern me about the future of mule deer in these regions. Seems like we are in violent agreement that something needs to be done, now we need to make it happen.
I have vague recollections of some "issues" with MDF vs MF. But I can't recall the details.
Survey completed. I hope this isn't a hit piece on MDF as it does not ask about any other organization.
With the risk of this devolving into a MDF bashing trope for things that may/may not have happened in the past at MDF, I felt a need to respond.

As MDF's Director of Conservation and a MT resident, I find it very interesting that Grizzlyman has not contacted me (my contact info is on the MDF website) or anyone else at MDF about this "Study" (if you have I apologize, no one I asked knew about it) on what apparently is an effort to improve what MDF does for deer. We are always open to ideas and look forward to the results of this survey, if it is provided to us. We have worked very closely with numerous professors at U. of Montana through the years.

As a "higher up" at MDF, not sure who bigsky2 spoke to but habitat is a priority for MDF. Let's chat.

We have pushed for a mule deer initiative (similar to what has been done in other states) to address the growing concerns with mule deer management and habitat issues (I have mentioned this on our Podcast many times) and don't get much support. Currently MT FWP uses the adaptive harvest strategy for mule deer management which does not address habitat needs, nor other factor important in managing mule deer. I see many habitat issues while I am out in the field, particularly in eastern/central MT, that concern me about the future of mule deer in these regions. Seems like we are in violent agreement that something needs to be done, now we need to make it happen.
So are you gonna take our fine threads off discussion and stand up for our Montana Mule Deer? There isn't a topic that falls on more deaf ears or seems than this one right hear.

I didn't see much benefit for @Grizzlyman survey he put up and hasn't responded once either. In every category I did add a little something about our MT FWP management. 😁

What does MDF think about the state of Montana beyond your personal observation?
Saw this on Rokslide as a post that seems to be the OP. Not a wildlife research project/study, sounds more like a class project. Nothing wrong with that, could have been clearer.

I'm doing a study at the business school here on how MDF can contribute more in the hunting/conservation/outdoor space than they currently are. The goal is for increased public outreach, public volunteerism, and overall engagement.

Sorry for the absence, got taken down by some nasty flu the last few days and have been wallowing in self-pity (not COVID, and feeling good now).

I definitely could have been clearer, apologies, I was airing on the side of brevity in the original post. This is a study for the business school looking at ways to increase public volunteerism, better target volunteer efforts, increase revenue, and improve public outreach for MDF initiatives...and ultimately benefit Mule Deer in any way possible. I have to study something here so if I can double up and possibly help Mule Deer at the same time, then great! I can assure everyone, I've been in contact with MDF throughout the duration and will provide any and all information and feedback to hopefully assist in the eventual benefit of Mule Deer, Blacktail Deer, and their habitat.

Please don't start casting stones at MDF or any other conservation organizations, MDF is a phenomenal organization that does incredible work. If you have a problem, I encourage you to bring it up to your regional director...errr...directly, they are hardworking folks that love all things Mule Deer and would enjoy nothing more than talking to you about anything. Or better yet, show up to the next volunteer event and see what cool stuff is happening on the ground!

Please let me know if you have any questions at all and huge thank you to those of you who took the survey. I'll add more about feedback we got from you all once we're all done. I find reasons folks head to the hills and what keeps us going year after year very interesting and I'm sure you all do too.


***And best of luck to those buying Idaho tags today, it only took me 5 hours to get through the waiting room to get a tag...but I got one!

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