PEAX Equipment

MT Moose Unit 104

It's been a pleasure sharing this ride through cyberspace. What an amazing opportunity just to get to hunt moose and you were able to fill your deer and elk tags along the way. Way to stick it out through (just about) the whole season, I hope some game is on your table Thursday and you get to share it with friends and family.
Congratulations are much in order and deserved! I have been waiting for this one to come to a terrific ending. Well done!!
Awesome, congrats. Sticking it out certainly paid off. This may have been posted, but how many other tag holders were their and do you know if they harvested?
Congrats. Sure glad you had some other successes along the way. 37 days of hunting before you see your first bull moose has to be tough!
'Looked okay to me considering it was the first bull I had seen in 37 days of hunting!"

THAT is a well-earned trophy. Hemingway's Santiago has nothing on you amigo! Congratulations.
What an amazing season for you. That is an incredible bull given the unit and circumstances. You killed three animals in one season that would be the trophy of a lot of guys' lives.

What an amazing season for you. That is an incredible bull given the unit and circumstances. You killed three animals in one season that would be the trophy of a lot of guys' lives.


What he said!

Sra61--- Now are you going to run over to the Breaks and try to fill that elk B tag... Still plenty of daylight left in the season;)

Congrats on one heck of a season!
Got him out.

Got back about 9 P.M. Took two trips in and out about 2.5 miles each trip after looking at the gps. Nothing had molested the meat, didn't even have any ravens on the guts yet!
Here's a couple more pics from today.

Awesome, congrats. Sticking it out certainly paid off. This may have been posted, but how many other tag holders were their and do you know if they harvested?
There are five tag holders in 104. I ran into 3 others in the last week and a half. None had seen a bull yet! I heard that the remaining hunter killed a bull early in the season. I guess he woks for USFS and heard from some loggers that there was a bull hanging in the cut they were working in. He went in and shot him right where they load the logs! I'm pretty sure it was the same bull I had been trying to call in a swamp just down the drainage a little ways from there!
Congrats. Sure glad you had some other successes along the way. 37 days of hunting before you see your first bull moose has to be tough!
Never seeing any moose was the hardest part! If I hadn't gotten into that area where I found the Elk and Deer it would have been way harder. When you hunt that long and don't even see what your looking for you kind of start to question your SANITY!
Sra61--- Now are you going to run over to the Breaks and try to fill that elk B tag... Still plenty of daylight left in the season
Man, I have cut up enough big damn animals for one fall! Every muscle in my body hurts today. Luckily my Brother went along toady and helped me load the horses. Those hind quarters were a two man proposition!
What an awesome season! Great Moose!!! You should get a pic with all three racks together!!!
Yeah that's what everyone's saying. I'm going to get some tomorrow. Thanks guys for all of the kudos. I think the moral of the story is never, never give up.

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