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MT 'lope (some pics)


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Worked on getting my archery tag filled this weekend. Just got my blind set up Friday afternoon and spooked a nice buck on the way to the waterhole.

I was in the blind for a couple hours and the fella came back. He knew things were no good and cirlcled the blind at 100 yards and moved off. A little later these guys came into view, but no closer than 150 yards.

This was the best of the two.

Both bucks worked their way north and bedded about 400 yards north of my location. Great, now I had to wait until well after dark and quitely left the area.

Spend the night on the prairie and was back in the blind well before shooting light. As the prairie lit up, I saw this guy. I crawled out of the blind and got some shots of this swift fox. It was still fairly dark, so good shots were tough to get.

I got back in the blind after a few shots and got a little reading accomplished. Every once in awhile I would look up to see if anything interesting was happening. At about 8:00 a buck was headed my way. I grabbed the camera and then things got exciting. I would love to share more, but for some reason this photo gallery won't allow me to upload all my pics. I guess I will see if there is somewhere else that can host pics with some sort of consistancy.
Mtmiller, cool pics as always,

Your photo gallery just disapeared again, WTF are you doing LOL j/k'ing.
I just got in from putting a new ac unit on the house, let me take a shower and relax and I will see what I can find out again, this is really wierd
Don't worry about it Del. Even when it did come back, it only showed a few of my pics and my original galleries were gone. They were still hosted, as I could see pics in old posts, but I was not able to see/find the gallery. I will see how photobucket does.

Anyway, back to the story.

This was the smaller of the two bucks. I got this shot when he was only about 20 yards from the waterhole. I thought about trying to get some shots of him drinking, but I didn't want to foul things up.

The smaller guy drank for about 30 seconds and moved off. I didn't see where he went, but since the other guy was coming in I got ready. I got set up and figured the other guy would go to the same area. True, true...I think this guy stepped in the other guys footsteps. He drank for about 5 seconds before I let the arrow fly. The shot was 35 yards and hit home, in low in the chest going in and busting the farside leg on the way out. This shot is of him just as he was going down. He went maybe 5 yards and blood was pumping out. I knew it would be over in seconds, so I grabbed the camera instead of sending an unneccasary arrow.

Pretty good shot placement.:D

This is a graphic picture, but it was intentional to show exctly where the lope dropped, instantanious blood loss and from where the shot was taken.

This one will look a little better in the photo album.

He is no moster, but I am very happy with the way the hunt went and now I can concentrate on deer/elk next weekend.

BTW, here is my milk sucker from last weekend. It was shot at 4-5 yards and traveled 30 yards before tipping over.

Good luck to those chasing critters in August and your time is coming for those having to wait another month or two.:D
Nice going, Craig. That boy hooks way back!

My wife would knock your block off if she saw that last picture. ;) She thinks they're "cute."
thanks for the story and pics.I'll be setting up my double bull in a couple of weeks for my daughters youth deer hunt,hope it goes as well as your hunt.
Oak, Does she think the Little Lopes are Cute or the Hunk in the "Cameron Haynes" wear ;)

Kudos brotha !!!! Doing great like we expected !! Awesome story and PICS again !
As always, outstanding job MT. Looking forward to seeing some more of your pics as the season progresses. Hard to believe it is already hunting season again.
Great work on the lopes! Looking forward to bird season so we can get some more photos and stories of that dog of yours.