MT antelope.


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
I had a pretty good day again on opening day of the MT antelope rifle season.


I got a good lead on where a herd would be hanging out, and was able to get on them pretty early in the morning.


I missed an iffy shot on one really good buck in this herd, It was kind of a let down.

Luckily though, while I was trying to get back on the herd with the big buck, I noticed another buck off by himself bedded in some rough country. I knew it'd be an easy stalk getting on the lone buck and went for it. The stalk worked out perfect and my 2012 tag was ready to be notched.

White belly sticking out of the grass in awesome country, gotta love it-


It was pretty obvious this buck had gotten his butt kicked pretty bad, with the scars all over his neck and shoulders and the big chunk of horn he was missing.



Another awesome hunt in awesome country. I got to watch my brother kill a good buck on Sunday, and had a great weekend with the family. This hunt never lets me down, and I can't wait for next year already.
Congrats, Randy. You seem to be making regular work of shooting good Montana pronghorn. Best of luck on your other hunts.
Heck of a good buck Randy. Dang nice country. Have you put a tape to him?
Very nice, congrats! Looks like really fun country to hunt.
Awesome buck and some outstanding photos. Great work! Sounds like you had a great time.
Heck of a good buck Randy. Dang nice country. Have you put a tape to him?

No I haven't, probably won't. You gotta remember the dude sitting behind it is the size of a lawn gnome. That whitetail I killed last year scored 106".
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