MR help


New member
Jun 18, 2012
My first post on ONYOA, hope I havn't broken protocol.

My background is operating as a frontline military operator, leaping out of aeroplanes to get into a gunnfight and backpack hunting since I was about 12 years old. I have always preferred ann external frame setup, and since joining the military, became a huge fan of the ALICE pack. However, I believe there can always be room for improvement, and it appears MR has found that room. I live in Australia and a company here works in partnership with MR to improve what is on offer to soldiers at the sharp end.

I am very insistant on travelling light and find the bigger the pack, the more crap you put in it type thing. Imo I feel that the Wolf Alpha would be plenty for my requirements and would love to hear from anyone with MR experience that can offer some handy info on the packs in the field. I have carried heavy loads around the world in more places that i'd care to remember, but, nothing substitutes first hand experience, some comparisons withe the ALICE pack would be good, bearing in mind, I generally live like an old smelly billy goat when on the hill.

Many thanks.
Thanks for your service.

I have not used the ALICE pack system, so I am not of much help in any comparisons. Hopefully someone on this site has. We have more MR pack users on this site than probably any site on the web, so this might be a place to get some feedback, even if it is from a hunting perspective, rather than military.
Thanks for the reply Big Fin. It is the hunting experience that I am after, not a soldier anymore, but pretty passionate about my backcountry hunting, would love to see some images of the Wolf Alpha in action.
Welcome fellow soldier. I'm retired from the US Army. I was a frontline combat medic with combat tours in Desert Storm, Bosnia, and Iraq.

As for the ALICE pack....I love mine for packing out meat. It has served me well on the prairies with antelope and mountains for elk. It's light weight and functional, and best of all,
I have way over a thousand miles under my ALICE pack, and only 70-80 under my MR Crew Cab.

The ALICE pack is lighter, but the MR is more comfortable and carries a load better. If you were looking purely for a pack frame for moving meat you can purchase aftermarket should straps and kidney pads for the ALICE frame and you would have a much more comfortable pack frame. However, IMO opinion if you are looking for a hunting daypack/meathhauler in one, or a pack to conduct multi day hunts out of you can do alot better than the ALICE. If you need any other reference from the perspective of proffesional gunslingers, DOD is MR's biggest customer, so you can assume there are alot of MR packs wandering around AFG, the HOA, ect.

Good luck, I am sure if you don't mind an ALICE, you will love your MR.

PM me and if you'd like we can set up a time to discuss MR packs in detail.

Mark Seacat/Mystery Ranch
Thanks for the welcome John, and thanks also for the replies MinnesotaHunter and Seacat, much appreciated.

I have the aftermarket harness for the ALICE, a lot of companies here in Aust. have made an industry out of modifying the pack and rebuilding complete new ones.

However, the frame and harness really is old technology I guess, even the new composite frames still do not equal the mountaineering type setups imo, hence me looking at MR and I suppose that's why the US military has gone to MR. I am a bit of a pack nut really. lol

Mark, many thanks, be great to be able to discuss the pack in detail, I have sent you a PM.

A pic of me packing out camp and a Red stag.


  • Rut111.jpg
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Careful with those thighs, on this site you might make the type of friends you don't want by flashing those things.
Nice Stubbies!

lol, there not bloody stubbies ok. lol

There is an MR outlet just under 2 hrs from me here in Aust. I got down there last Friday to check out their MR packs, and had a play around with the Wolf Alpha, Alpha Overload, Mountain Ruck and 6500 for about an hour and a half, unfortuneatley, never got to load one with plenty of weight. I have a few questions that I am sure a few of you blokes could answer. The main one being the lumbar pad, it did seem to dig into the small of my back a bit, perhaps because there was very little weight in the pack? Perhaps the pad softens and takes shape after a bit of use? I feel that both these scenarios are probably correct?

The centre zip, is it easy to open and access the pack when full of kit?

With an animal loaded up between the frame and pack, would the Overload be a better choice or does the normal frame/pack setup work fine?

Many thanks.
I have the MR Big Horn and the Grizzly. I like the lumbar pad. It fits nicely in the small of my back and helps distribute the weight and keep the pack from shifting. I had back surgery on my lower back in 97 and the lumbar pad doesn't bother my back at all. I like the support there and I don't feel any discomfort or strain.
One of my friends has the CrewCab and the NICE 6500 and he likes those packs to. The lumbar pad is different on those. He is currently using his CrewCab in AFG. His only complaint is the lumbar pad doesn't stick out far enough when he's wearing body armor. He still rates it an 8.5 out of 10 though.
I use the 6500 and have carried 110# out of wilderness. Never had an issue accessing items. My shoulder muscles had a dull pain but overall was comfortable. Having the weight balanced between hips and shoulders without any pinch points makes the difference. Is easy to make adjustments while moving, too. You could not pay me to go back to a metal external frame.

MR tend to weigh more empty than than some other packs but when you get above 50# of gear to put in your pack then the MR shines.

Might be a better pack out there. Most are worse though so I am happy.
I have had great success with my Mystery Ranch Crew Cab! It can carry your gear for a 10 day hunt, to a treestand, to a moose quarter, to a kid! Oh, it can be used as a day pack as well! I have not found a more versatile, durable, bomber and comfortable pack that compares to the Mystery Ranch Crew Cab.

I would also take Mark up on his offer, his is "the" knowledge base when it comes to MR packs!

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