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Mountain Lion Scream


New member
Nov 25, 2011
Grand Junction, Colorado
Was out about a week ago and I heard a Mountain Lion for the 1st time..... I have to say that is the most creepy noise I have ever heard it made the hair on my neck stand up.. For you guys what is the most creepy noise you have heard out of an animal?
Im sorry I'm 15 and never heard a mountain lion nor am i a mountain lion expert.. We where out and we heard something and my uncle said it was a mountain lion it was a wierd noise and far off and I didnt know what a mountain lion sounds like and still dont i guess.. Im sorry that I posted this I wont post anything anymore unless I know for sure what it is.. Sorry again....
Pretty sure I heard one as well one year. I was working around a rock outcropping and heard the same kind of sound. I guess it could of been a bobcat but anyway it was eery and got my blood pumping to say the least
Im sorry I'm 15 and never heard a mountain lion nor am i a mountain lion expert.. We where out and we heard something and my uncle said it was a mountain lion it was a wierd noise and far off and I didnt know what a mountain lion sounds like and still dont i guess.. Im sorry that I posted this I wont post anything anymore unless I know for sure what it is.. Sorry again....

I don't think anyone said that you were wrong. They were answering your question, "what is the most creepy noise you have heard out of an animal," with some adult humor.
What Oak said.

I had perched owl screech one black sky morning right above my might as well have been a lion for the effect it produced.
I had perched owl screech one black sky morning right above my might as well have been a lion for the effect it produced.

In the summertime, I do nighttime broadcast call surveys for owls. The most hair-raising experiences I have had in the wild were during these surveys. Imagine standing out in the woods in the pitch dark, and hearing the most un-Godly sound coming from the woods in front of you. Then a dark shadow flashes past you at about 3 feet. Then the same sound comes from the bushes behind you. Man, I get the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it. :D:eek:
Bigbuckkiller, As oak mentioned, they were trying to be funny. There always has to be a comedian around, so don’t let that discourage you from posting.

I was looking forward to what the pros had to say on this topic, as I have heard the same thing. I will say that was the most creepy noise I’ve heard.

Once was many years ago while outside after midnight, working on an old truck. The quietness was broken by the sound of a very loud “scream”. It kind of sounded like, between a woman’s blood curdling scream and a pig squalling.
Not only did the hairs on the back of my neck stand up but it caused goose bumps and a chill from head to toe. Needless to say after the second squall I gathered all the tools and headed into the house. To this day I say it was a mountain lion.

I heard a similar sound about two weeks ago, here behind the house. It wasn’t as blood curdling nor did it cause the chilling effect. I stood outside and listened to it two different times that night. It was walking along an old logging road and came within about fifty yards of the house. I wish I had could have recorded it.
I just figured it was a bobcat looking for a mate.

After your post I did a search on you tube.
The squalls from this lion sounds exactly what I heard behind the house but doesn’t compare to the bone chilling, blood curdling screams I heard years ago. Now I am confused as to what was behind the house two weeks ago.:eek:

My Grandmother always talked about the black panthers that roamed these parts.
I have seen one, mountain lion, way back in my early teenage days and my son has seen one about sixty miles east of here, not too long ago. The TWRA office claims they are non existent in these parts but I will say different.

As for the craziest thing that has happened, well, that will have to be another post.
Creepiest noises? Two blood-curdling screams I heard when a llama and lamb were being slaughtered in the courtyard outside the room I was sleeping in Bolivia. I was half awake as it had been snowing all night into the room - door wouldn't shut all the way - and after the first scream I scrambled out of bed to open the door. Blood everywhere. I slapped on my boots and pulled my pack on and as I went back into the courtyard, the guy in the pic below led a llama in and cut its throat. Scream #2.


Turned out to be one of the coolest experiences of my life and completely saved a trip that was starting to swirl the drain. But it was about the worst wake up call I've ever experienced and made for a very nervous 10 minutes or so.

Mountain lions are definitely creepy sounding. Fun to watch, too. Right up until they slip out of sight and you're miles from your truck...
Devil Diver I had the same experience in Paraguay except with a pig. I was talking to these ladies and this guy led a pig by us and about 30 yards away slit the pigs throat. Talk about a scream then he stabbed in in the lungs. The worst thing I've ever witnessed or heard. Pretty sure he did it on purpose as he didn't want us around.
I've never heard a lion scream in the wild although I've heard them hiss and growl in the tree. One of my favorite sounds of lion hunting is the sound of the hounds barking in the distance as they trail a lion. Their bark echos off the canyons and they seam so close but they are really pretty far away.The bay of the dogs when the lion is treed is almost as good but at that point I'm focused on the lion.

The other sound I've heard in the wild that relates to lions was a sound I will never forget. Four years ago my friend's daughter killed her Henry Mtns buffalo a couple hours before dark. It took awhile to get to it because of this huge, deep rocky canyon between us. It was a long shot and I caught it on video. Its featured on Christensen Arm's Myth busters DVD. When we got to it the herd wouldn't leave their downed comrade without a few yells.

It was cold that night and it took quite awhile to get the buffalo ready to pack out. We built a fire to keep warm and couldn't resist cooking some fresh straps. mmm. That was a good time.

We started the two mile pack down the mtn to the road at about 1:00 am. There were four of us hiking out with headlamps and aching backs and feet. Ron was in the lead followed by Milo, his daughter then me. It was a tough hike all downhill but heavily wooded with open sage so we had to weave in and around the trees.

About a half mile left I happened to look up to Ron as he started around a tree. He froze in place, threw up his arms then let out a huge scream. "Hey, get the hell out a here!" We all heard something crash off through the trees in front of us and the sound faded into the distance. Ron turned to us white eyed and said, "did you see that?" I thought it was the buffalo's comrades back for more but Ron said, "it was a dam mtn lion 5 yards away, crouched and ready to kill us." I walked backward with my little knife the rest of the way.

That is the sound of a lion that I will never forget. The power of his legs and claws churning through the rocks, dirt and trees after he saw the loudest, skinniest buffalo ever.

Here's a pic just before dark...

Milo Lexi Lad.jpg
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