Morning coffee


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Yep, I cannot start the day without at least one good cup of coffee. I usually have about 3 cups to start my day. Although I do like lattes and some flavored coffee, I prefer just a good ol cup of Columbian coffee with some cream, no sugar. I am just finishing my second cup now and will have to make another pot by the time LB gets up.
I like plain ol Columbian Coffee!! No Latte's or flavored coffee's for me. I drink a pot before the wife gets up. Carry a thermos full when I go out. By midday I get kinda fidgity, don't know why.
I woke up early and couldn't find the regular coffee, the wife musta hid it !
Not to worry, I found a sample of some "Tullys" gourmet coffee ( gourmet means strong) brewed me up a pot and now the caffine is starting to kick in.
I love "Starebucks", usually go there at least once a day. Lattes & Mochas, my company gave me a Starebucks gift card, so latly, I been going wild.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-24-2004 08:27: Message edited by: A-con ]</font>
Can't stand coffee! Usually I get up and get going all by my widdle self, but by 10AM or so I need a Coke or similar caffeine injection or I start getting grumpy.
Well I slept in this morning and am just finishing my first cup of coffee while I watch the snow come down.Right now Im still dring the holiday blend from Starbucks.
I'm on my first cup
I had to go out and food the cows, and chickens...Looks like your getting the snow this time Kraven
We're still getting rain
..Anyway,,Lady Nutcracker buys me the cheap coffee from the store( Of course she gets herself the best gourmet tea
)said in a snobish voice.Then getting my head smacked
We have a small 4 cup coffee maker and I go through that before the girls get up..This morning we're running a little late

I also have to have my stein of coffee to get me going. I prefer Columbian with a little sugar, a little cream, and a little hot cocoa mix.

I have a funny story about a hunting trip with my friend Steve back right after we started hunting together. Steve is the personification of a grizzly bear in human form. The night before, my sis-in-law had given me some of that amaretto flavored International Coffee. Well, I made a thermos of it and took it hunting. I hadn't even tried it, but when Steve ran out of coffee in his thermos, I offered him some of mine. I wish I had a camera at that moment! He made a face like an ol' bear that just bit into a sour berry and started rolling the window down and spewing coffee out the window. I thought "What the heck?" and tried some of it myself. Gawd! I couldn't get that stuff out of my mouth fast enough! It was horrible! We both laughed until we hurt!

Glad he's good natured and took the joke (on both of us) well. We've been good friends for the past 20 years now, but he still teases me about that awful coffee! And to this day, I make sure I have tried something before I offer it to someone else.

Jesus; I thought you guys drink coffee???
Three pots a day since I was 15!! That's about fifteen normal size cups. Even when in Hight School I would drink it like a fool and beef up during lunch break. My Auntie started me out at about four years old along with my Dad. Had to get up and drink it with them when Dad was getting ready for work and Aunt Nora would get me out of bed at 1 AM to watch "spooky" movies and drink coffee.
Drink it straight; black! Made with filtered water and 2 tablespoons of fresh ground beans per cup. By the way, that's how I make it in camp too!
I like my coffee black, nothing fancy, and usually start with 3 large mugs in the morning - 2 at the house and 1 on the drive to work.

Really sucks when there is a traffic jam
and the coffee needs to be displaced.
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