More Wolves = More Water


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2015
MT —> AZ
I guess I have been among the masses of uninformed people that believed Phoenix’s water supply issues were a consequence of persistent drought, climate change (nod to @Ben Lamb ), and most of all, 5+ million people living in the middle of one of the hottest and driest places on the planet.

It’s relieving to know that a few hundred more wolves will raise the water table. Land Developers that must guarantee 100 years of water for their projects to be approved must be relieved. They’ll turn AZ GOP pro wolf overnight.

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I have been following the Mexican Grey Wolf for three yrs,and between N.M. and Az.there are now
113-117 Wolves min. count.
Yes there is depredation,to be expected.Not enough to worry anyone.
And the diversity of the packs is changing as AZGF ad new DNA to the slowly growing population.
Hunting is not yet an option,Maybe...Some Day.
Yes drought has a lot to do with it...Been here going on 60yrs.When wasn't there a drought?〽 💥
That must be the reason we have been having so much rain this winter. It isn’t climate change, rather the effects of too many wolves.

I would build an ark to ride out the impending flood but will there be any deer and elk left when it’s time for the animals to come two by two? 😁 Do I have to let the wolves come along?
That’s the biggest propaganda crap since the Yellowstone miracles from their wolf reintroduction. 1st they say that more wolves would equal less animals so more grass and more water. Umm, I think more grass means less water as it would take more water to sustain. Then they say it would help with fire prevention?? If there’s more grass, then there’s more fuel for wildfires. They seem to cry that every fire season here. Drought year, terrible fire danger as there’s no moisture. Wet year, terrible fire danger as the grass is so thick and tall. I’m so sick of it all.
Umm, I think more grass means less water as it would take more water to sustain. Then they say it would help with fire prevention?? If there’s more grass, then there’s more fuel for wildfires. They seem to cry that every fire season here. Drought year, terrible fire danger as there’s no moisture. Wet year, terrible fire danger as the grass is so thick and tall. I’m so sick of it all.

I heard the same thing about beavers. Beavers at least make sense to me with dams and water retention.
A canine who can end droughts and stop wildfires?! Good grief, these things must be coated in some sort of magic pixie dust, I want one!!

@mtmuley I’m curious, I’ve seen the blue mini van referenced a couple of times, but what are you talking about, Inside joke or some incident in the news I missed somewhere?
I lived in Az for over 10 years. Going back now, it shocks me how over-populated that state is. You could not tie me tight enough to move back there. There is a finite amount of water and developers are allowed to coax more and more people into the state. The whole thing defies logic and to say that wolves could help is beyond stupid. It makes about as much sense as blaming climate change on humans. Climate has changed since day one and nobody is going to change that. All it has become, is a loony left talking point. I am starting to believe that all common sense and logic has left the playing field.
A canine who can end droughts and stop wildfires?! Good grief, these things must be coated in some sort of magic pixie dust, I want one!!

@mtmuley I’m curious, I’ve seen the blue mini van referenced a couple of times, but what are you talking about, Inside joke or some incident in the news I missed somewhere?
Randy was wrong. They do fart rainbows.

The blue minivan reference is an ongoing jab at anti- wolf crusader Toby Bridges. He wrote a @#)(# and bull story of running over two wolves on the interstate which was found to be incorrect after FWP investigated.
Where there's a Toby Blue Mini Van, there's the Jay Mallonee's WLFINDR plated p/u trucks... ;)
How much longer are they going to hobble along the Mexican Grays? I think it's way past time that we leave them to their own fate.