More than just a hunt


Active member
May 25, 2017
After a buddy backed out on our planned OTC Colorado elk hunt I quickly put in for the Wyoming antelope draw. I was successful drawing my 2nd choice tag and quickly reached out to a bunch of ranches in the unit. I heard back from 6 of them and settled on 3. Ranch 1 had the most land at roughly 30,000 acres and they were letting me camp on the ranch. Cost $100. Ranch 2 bordered ranch 1 and the cost was a roll of barb wire. Ranch 3 was on other side of the unit and they didn’t charge anything.

I planned to arrive Saturday but a coworker offered to switch days with me so at 2am Friday morning I headed west. Unfortunately I only made it 20 miles before I had to turn around and head back home. I forgot my license. Oops!

I arrived in my unit and decided to set up on some blm for the night since i was a day early. Found a spot up high (big mistake)so I had cell signal and had camp all set by 3:30 local time.

Well Friday night came with off and on pouring rain and 40+ mph wind gusts. Lightning crashing all around. Real hard to even think about sleep when lightning is striking and your aluminum tent pole is the highest thing in the area. Add the tent sounding like it is about to rip apart and it makes for a long night. *side note* that Cabelas Lodge tent held up to the abuse.

Next morning I called ranch 2 and left a message and then called ranch 1. After speaking to the rancher I headed down to the ranch. Rancher told me to go break down camp and find him when I get back. So with that I went and broke down my Camp and moved it to the ranch. Ranch isnran by two brothers and the other brother told me get set up and we’d go find some antelope. I was not expecting to be guided. But after i was set up I jumped in the ranch truck and off we went. We found a small herd of antelope pretty quickly and i put two stalks on them but they wanted no part in that. So around 11:30 we headed back to the ranch with the plan that after lunch we would go find some different antelope to chase. After lunch we headed to a different pasture and driving in saw a solo buck standing there watching us. 119 yards and he fell dead where he stood. 1:33pm and I was done hunting. Kinda upset my hunt ended so quick but also relieved because snow is in the forecast I quickly run him up to the processor. Told Tuesday morning it would be ready. Great, snow comes Wednesday. I head back to the ranch and tell the rancher that my meat won’t be ready til Tuesday so he offers to let me stay until then. Other option was pack up and move to blm somewhere and find something to do.

Sunday morning the ranch was vaccinating calves and then moving the heard to another pasture. So I got to see how they separate the calves from their mothers, vaccinate, and then load them up and move them. I tried to help where I could but I know I was probably more in the way than anything. After cattle was done I was invited in for lasagna for lunch. Then after lunch rancher sent me out to shoot prairie dogs.

Now today I am headed up to Rapid City with the rancher to get a load of irrigation pipe. Tomorrow I’ll head for home.

This has been such a fun trip. I am looking forward to coming back next year. Already told the rancher next year we are gonna inventory all the goats before I shoot one.

I know guys say all the time they’d never pay for access but for $100 I got a lifetime of memories and a awesome story to tell.


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Sounds like some good people you met! Farmers and ranchers can be some of the nicest people you'll ever meet, IMO. They can be so selfless and helpful its unreal.

My college roommate was from a farming background, and his family has been incredibly nice to me throughout the years, can't be thankful enough of them.

Also, nice goat, was this your first goat?
Sounds like some good people you met! Farmers and ranchers can be some of the nicest people you'll ever meet, IMO. They can be so selfless and helpful its unreal.

My college roommate was from a farming background, and his family has been incredibly nice to me throughout the years, can't be thankful enough of them.

Also, nice goat, was this your first goat?

Yes sir, first one.

I couldn’t of asked for better people. His wife told me last night that he has closed the ranch to hunting besides family and friends. I’m the first outsider been allowed to hunt for many years. I have to assume it was my offer of true Wisconsin cheese curds that got me here. haha
"After a buddy backed out on our planned OTC Colorado elk hunt I quickly put in for the Wyoming antelope draw. I was successful drawing my 2nd choice tag and quickly reached out to a bunch of ranches in the unit. I heard back from 6 of them and settled on 3. Ranch 1 had the most land at roughly 30,000 acres and they were letting me camp on the ranch. Cost $100. Ranch 2 bordered ranch 1 and the cost was a roll of barb wire. Ranch 3 was on other side of the unit and they didn’t charge anything."

This paragraph is amazing, to me. Congrats!
"After a buddy backed out on our planned OTC Colorado elk hunt I quickly put in for the Wyoming antelope draw. I was successful drawing my 2nd choice tag and quickly reached out to a bunch of ranches in the unit. I heard back from 6 of them and settled on 3. Ranch 1 had the most land at roughly 30,000 acres and they were letting me camp on the ranch. Cost $100. Ranch 2 bordered ranch 1 and the cost was a roll of barb wire. Ranch 3 was on other side of the unit and they didn’t charge anything."

This paragraph is amazing, to me. Congrats!

Just to clarify. Another ranch was $300, $500, and the 6th ranch said they charged $400 but were booked. Another ranch called back but I missed the call and they never returned my return call. So I was pretty happy with the response rate. The ones who didn’t respond were all huge ranches that I assume are under lease.
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Good job doing your leg work in terms of access. And really great outcome. I have said I don't want to pay an access fee, but this doesn't really feel like that--$100 and some labor somehow feels much better to me than $500. Doesn't feel transactional--feels like you made a connection with good people.
Congrats. That’s $100 well spent. We’ll be heading out Thursday afternoon. How long before you go again?
That sounds like a good thing you've got there! Cool that you were able to pull all of that together.
Yes sir, first one.

I couldn’t of asked for better people. His wife told me last night that he has closed the ranch to hunting besides family and friends. I’m the first outsider been allowed to hunt for many years. I have to assume it was my offer of true Wisconsin cheese curds that got me here. haha
Good cheese will do that! I'm a fool for the smoked mozzarella ropes that you can only seem to find in WI.
Wow, what a great connection. Here's hoping that the budding friendship can remain over the years. May I suggest you start shopping for a nice Christmas gift already (and don't forget to throw in some more cheese curds!)

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