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More Sheriff Mike!


New member
Mar 2, 2001
ID - Boundary County
Nature Conservancy, The Tip Of The Iceberg
By Sheriff Mike Cook

Last week we talked about the Nature Conservancy and the fact that they are under investigation by the U.S. Senate Finance Committee. Much of this information was exposed by the Washington Post and I believe the findings of this committee will have far reaching effects.
I also learned that the Nature Conservancy receives over $30 million in taxpayers money every year. This money comes from the Department of Agriculture. You should ask why an organization that takes in over $700 million a year with annual assets of over $2.7 billion need our tax dollars?

I must tell you this is just the tip of the iceberg. Many grants are given with your tax dollars to many of these so called environmental organizations like the Natural Resources Defense Council who in turn uses that money to file law suits against anyone who is against their political agenda, including the hand that feeds them.

What I find just funny as all get out is that the liberal enviro-types turn right around and complain about organizations like the Pacific Legal Foundation, who work for the other side of the cause, by claiming they get their funding from big industry, the so called enemy of the environment. So when did big industry become the bad guy? And I ask you this: when was the last time an enviro-nut-case gave you a job? Anyway, this isn't the case with the Pacific Legal Foundation because much of the funding is from donations from people who are concerned about how the enviro-whacko's are destroying our way of life and our nation, not to mention the economy. Who cares anyway as long as they get the job done. Perhaps we should request the government fund them also in fairness.

Now you may want to ask, who in our government is setting these groups up with all this tax money. This is why each and every one of you needs to take a look at your government and pay attention to what is going on. I will tell you that much of this all started with the Clinton administration and the Democrats are supporting these groups. Let me say here that it isn't all Democrats, it's the liberal wing of that organization which seems to have taken over the party in the past few years.

The stickler in all this is that people in bureaucratic jobs high up, like the General Accounting Office, are reporting to Congress that they couldn't audit these grants to the enviro-groups because of insufficient records of what was expected and what work was performed. Doesn't that just make you all warm and fuzzy inside? That's your money being wasted to destroy your income, if you work for someone, or own your business. Our own government is helping them do it.

Now if all this doesn't have your blood boiling I don't know what will. It's time to get involved. These people are doing more damage to America than any of our enemies that we are fighting in the middle east right now. They hammer us at every turn and cause more and more damage to society. They are robbing us of our land and now they are doing everything in their power to run us off the land or to devalue it so they can buy it cheap.

They are cutting off our water, planting large predators, or getting laws passed by friendly politicians that regulate everything you do on your own land. Then when they don't like what they see you doing they go after you and destroy you any way they can. These enviro-people don't care about you, the Constitution, or the rule of law, unless it works for them. They will stop at nothing to win and will pull every low down trick in the book.

Where is John Wayne, and Roy Rogers when we need them? We need them to run in and expose the bad guys and send them packing so that we can all live happily ever after. I hope the American spirit to fight wrong is still alive and well out there so that we can send this movement to the basement where it belongs.

God Bless America.
God Bless our Troops still in Harms Way.

Michael E. Cook, Coos County Sheriff, Retired.
Though the Sherrif throwsout some real off the wall stuff every once in a while he does hit the nail on the head on occasion like here : "it's the liberal wing of that organization which seems to have taken over the party in the past few years."
The sheriff's a laughing stock.
The Sheriff's writing style looks like a 3rd grader trying to impress people that he made it into 6th grade.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Where is John Wayne, and Roy Rogers when we need them <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

YOUR opinion would be more respected than the Sheriff's, at least your opininion might be THOUGHT out.
We got the toughest sherrif in america [self proclaimed] his name is Joe Arpieo, maybee him and this sherrif Mike could have a showdown at high noon!