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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2019
North Idaho
Raising the age to 69 is extreme?
Anyone who makes their money from physical labor, bricklayers, roofers, carpenters, plumbers and on and on, telling them they are working to 69, you might as well tell them they will work until they can't.

It won't affect me directly, since I'm already on Social Security, coming 73 in a couple of months. I took it at 62, the same year I retired from work. This week marks 11 years since I came off the payroll. I am in good health, but many contemporaries are not that healthy.

The first few years of retirement are the ones most likely to resemble the daydream of what retirement might be. Forcing people to work until 69 to get full retirement benefits will mean quite a few people will not enjoy any sort of an active retirement period.

The good news is , I doubt it ever becomes the law of the land. It also puts the GOP's cards face up on the table. That is more transparent than they usually are.
Anyone who makes their money from physical labor, bricklayers, roofers, carpenters, plumbers and on and on, telling them they are working to 69, you might as well tell them they will work until they can't.

It won't affect me directly, since I'm already on Social Security, coming 73 in a couple of months. I took it at 62, the same year I retired from work. This week marks 11 years since I came off the payroll. I am in good health, but many contemporaries are not that healthy.

The first few years of retirement are the ones most likely to resemble the daydream of what retirement might be. Forcing people to work until 69 to get full retirement benefits will mean quite a few people will not enjoy any sort of an active retirement period.

The good news is , I doubt it ever becomes the law of the land. It also puts the GOP's cards face up on the table. That is more transparent than they usually are.
Quit crying and just keep working until you die on the job. The R's appreciate your dedication.
51+ years of work, life expectancy of 77ish...MRA of 69?

Sounds 3rd world like to me.

Enjoy your last 7-8 years...WTF?

I'm retirement eligible 8 months from this November, and that's too long IMO.
Just talking to my boss yesterday about this. We can retire at 60 with full retirement or 55 at 15% hit and 3 % less every year after. He's hell bent on going til 60. He said he's not giving up 15% I asked him how much you'll give up if you die at 63. Didn't even make a dent. At 55 I'll have 37 years into my pension if that's not enough I don't think 42 is gonna do me any better.
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Wondering if the approximately 10 million “ new comers” the D’s have let in will be able to draw some form of SS/SSI … in addition to all the other freebies…
I don’t like this anymore than the next guy, but I would be curious peoples’ thoughts on keeping it financially solvent. One talked about idea is removing the upper pay in cap limit, ie you keep paying in no matter how much you earn, but your max take-out stays fixed. Right now, any earnings above 168,800 don’t get taxed into social security. Apart from raising the age, lowering the benefit amount (or not having it keep pace with inflation), or removing the upper pay in cap, I don’t see how it could stay afloat.
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