Moosie got an Award...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Got an Award in the Iron Man. I figure if you're not first.... then you need to make an Impression :D

The Team BEEF "Showboat" Award:

Oscar Williamson – For truly showing he was “fueled by beef” by consuming a bbq hamburger during the run course. Oscar will each receive a $50 gift certificate to enjoy a steak dinner !!



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Wanted to ask this question earlier but didn't. In the first picture, I think that is your wife in the background, but who is the girl you are holding hands with?;)
It does look like I was holding hands :)

No, I don't Showboat..... But I do stop to look at everything in a different angle :



And.... I might Pause every now and then for a Picture :



As I look at the pictures.... This was about Mile 7 of the run. By then, I had tried to drink coke a few times.... you can see it dribbling down the front of my shirt.


I think my buddy was trying to take a picture of the Girls in the Grey and pink in the back and I ruined the picture wih me in it..... Sorry !!!! :D
I've started my training this week for next years Boise 70.3. You can't back out on me now Moosie. :)
1-POINTER. I have a place for you to stay... thats about it.

Looking forward to running it next year with some friends. I think I have a couple guys around here that might give it a whirl too.

WV... It's to early to start training. You shouldn't start till next year :)
1-POINTER. I have a place for you to stay... thats about it.

Looking forward to running it next year with some friends. I think I have a couple guys around here that might give it a whirl too.

WV... It's to early to start training. You shouldn't start till next year :)

Really I am just using it as motiviation to run a little more and farther and to start swimming now so I don't drown when it counts. :cool:
LOL WV !!!!!! Remember that the biking is more important. You can swim twice as slow as me but bike 2 MPH faster and smoke me. The bike is a huge part !!
Well, beings that I'm loosing my shirt and most of my pants on the sale of my house in UT I may not be able to afford more than the pre-race spaghetti... But, if it works out I may take you up on it!
Moosie, I just signed up for IM Coeur d'Alene 2011. Just think... you could have twice the fun you had at Boise 70.3! There are only a few spots left so you'd better hurry...
LOL... too far for me. My boy is Racing today in the Y-not-TRI.

I'll get pictures up later !!
way to get in shape Moosie...i see ya droped down a bra size or two...WTG!
Moosie, you should send those pictures to my buddy Lloyd at the Idaho Cattle Association! they would get a kick outta them.
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