Moose bags


New member
Sep 23, 2007
Napa CA
I'm heading to AK this fall on a moose. I my gear preparation having never been around a moose before, how many game bags would I need to properly take care of one? What type would you recommend?
Check out for game bags. Their bags are made of a breathable material like underarmor. Supposed to cool the meat quicker. They also have a few different sizes and they can be washed when you are done. I've used them for deer and a friend of mine used them on his moose hunt in Canada last fall.
There's always that option. Might take some steak sauce and taters also.

I used TAG bags available on the Pristine Ventures website. They are really nice. I can haul the front shoulders whole and did so, so one bag each, four for the hind quarters, one for tenderloins and backstraps, and at least one or two for other meat. They are sold that way and it works.
He was only 52" wide, but has some good browtines on him. They take up some serious wall space.

Jeez only a 52 inch.. dink:rolleyes: September 13, 2009.................... a dinky 52 incher goes by me, he is going down. :D

Cart before the horse............. but if I kill one I don't think I will get a shoulder mount, just to dam big.

Did you call him in? Stalked him? Float hunt?

dam those pictures get me excited.
I kind of called and stalked him:D.
I was calling from a hillside, and I think I got his interest, but I'm not so sure he would have came all the way. So, I headed down the hill after him.
This hunt was a ridgetop landing. I had been on a float hunt in SW AK a few years before, I wanted to get away from the spongy, wet tundra. This hunt was out of Tok, and I had good solid footing underneath me. I was also able to take a caribou on the same hunt.

Where are you hunting and what type of hunt are you doing?

It is a float hunt. Sept 12-23. I can't hunt till the 23rd (NR season end 20th I think)but we left those days in for my brother just in case. Of course because I am a slow learner.................I am taking the bow. My wife is ready to smash the TV listening to those moose videos from the guy in Cananda? urrrrgh, urrgh, urrgh. I hope it goes better than my Shiras hunt long ago.

All I can remember off hand is we are flying out Aniak, Western AK. I Leave the details to my brother.

2 critters on the same hunt is awesome.
The first time I went was out of Aniak, with Aniak Air Guides. I didn't have any luck, but a guy in our group killed this little 65".
Sweet fancy moses, I likey.

How did he kill it? Float or drop off? Did you see moose? How many in the party?

This is to much in June:eek:
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