Caribou Gear

Montana Lope


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2014
Trying to decide where to apply in Montana. Torn between the eastern side of the state region 6 and 7 or southwest around Dillon and the Centennial Valley. Living in Bozeman the SW is a lot closer. Has the population in the east recovered since the die off? Is the quality substantially better and Is it worth driving all the way out there? This'll be my first year applying for lopes anywhere. Fingers crossed.
I don't live in the state, so i form my opinion from just being in the state 7-10+days most years. Personally I've seen way higher numbers in SW Montana then in the east the last two years, by a long shot. BUT, the largest goat I saw was back east. PM me if you want some more specific info.
I live in the Eastern side of MT. The antelope are for sure making a come back the last few years. I have seen some pretty good bucks already this spring. As your first time putting in, the 700 tag will be easier to draw and give you a way bigger area to hunt. Good Luck with your hunt If you draw over here I'm happy to help.
As stated before I think populations are doing better in sw part of the state. But access can be a issue. Numbers are rebounding in the eastern part and tags are a little easier to draw.
No real big bucks around Dillon, I lived there for 5 years. you can find a lot of 12 and 13 inchers, but that's about as big as they get around there.
Thanks for the info guys. I ended up applying for the 700 tag. Found a few friends who head that way every couple years when they draw. Said they've got some ranches they could probably get me on. If not seems like theres a ton of BLM land anyway. Now the waiting starts....

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