Montana Late Season: Which Mountain Range

Poke 'Em

Well-known member
Oct 9, 2013
I'm still trying to kill my first elk after four years in Montana. I had several bulls within 50 yards this fall in the breaks, but bad luck meant I never got to fling an arrow.

So now I'm planning on taking the entire week of Thanksgiving and doing whatever it takes to kill an elk (bull or cow) on a general tag. Unfortunately (at least as far as elk go), I live on the far eastern side of the state, and I spent all of my summer fly fishing in Wyoming, rather than scouting for elk. So I really have no idea where to go.

Right now, I'm considering the Big Belts, but there's not a ton of access there. If you had a week to try to kill an elk at the end of the season, which mountain range would you go to? I'm not picky about what I shoot. I'd prefer a bull, but would gladly shoot a cow. I fully intend to shoot the first bull I can, and may just shoot the first elk I get a shot at, regardless of sex.

Anyway, I'd appreciate any help. I'm not looking for hotspots, just a little confidence that I'm targeting the right HD.
There is a ridiculous amount of access in the Big and Little Belts. They have elk and plenty of hunters but there is room to get away from the crowds. Late season should be good.
There is a ridiculous amount of access in the Big and Little Belts. They have elk and plenty of hunters but there is room to get away from the crowds. Late season should be good.

Thanks. My plan is to basically find the farthest place I can get from the road. I know I should have tried to scout this summer, but I really didn't have time. Between moving (bought a new house across town), having two kids, traveling for work, and taking fly-fishing vacations, I just never found time for the 6+ hour trip to the elk-bearing parts of the state.

I hunted the late season in the Gravelly's two years ago, hiked in as far as the snow would allow, and never saw an elk. Having never successfully hunted the mountains (I grew up in Texas, Louisiana & Oklahoma, but have lived in Montana as long as I've lived anywhere), I don't really know what I'm doing, but I'm going to keep winging it until something works.
Sorry I brought it up. I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm trying to figure it out, and I thought I might get some help here. Apparently I was mistaken.
You will get some help....Stick around for awhile. Interact and get familiar...So many people on here will help.......

Just can't come on and say, "I don't scout at all, can you guys tell me where the elk are."
Reality is scouting is really hard for many that fish a lot, myself very much included.

I respect the guys that spend a ton of time working their tales off for an extra advantage. Its tedious at times, fun at times, definitely time consuming, and most times really worth the extra effort.

Maybe try saying......I'm super new to Montana and I really want to kill an elk, any elk.
Thinking about a couple general season and general tag elk districts that are closer to eastern Montana.

Could anyone point out any general districts that would be a solid place to start spending time in? Preferably lots of public access and forest service.

Elk are everywhere and they are often really hard to find.

And Yes---go hunt the Big Belts, go hunt the Little Belts---plenty of elk in both, just got to find them. Get some quality 8x42 or 10x42 Binoculars and go searching.
The Madison range, you know you are in the right place when you see lots of wolf and griz tracks!

Actually you will find that the guys on here are really helpful once you have interacted with the forum, maybe a late season hunt in 2014?

Anyway best of luck, i came from the UK last year and couldn't scout as i fly fished in the UK all season, guess how many Elk i got?



Have you looked here? Lots of good info for those willing to do some homework...What you've got to understand is you are the 200th person this season to make a first post asking for info. Why would we tell a guy we don't even know where to go? If some guy you don't know walks up to you in a bar, no introduction, and asks where's a good place to hunt elk what would you do?
Hey AH ,
Noticed your avatar is a flyrod caught carp.That picture would encourage the disdain of many,but there are a few savy whack jobs that appreciate it.I'm liking it.
mtlion; said:
If some guy you don't know walks up to you in a bar, no introduction, and asks where's a good place to hunt elk what would you do?

Compliment his boots and ask him to dance?
Sorry I brought it up. I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm trying to figure it out, and I thought I might get some help here. Apparently I was mistaken.
Just busting your chops.
Don't let it scare you off this sight will help you learn how to elk hunt. You have already been given some great advice on this thread.
Sorry I brought it up. I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm trying to figure it out, and I thought I might get some help here. Apparently I was mistaken.


note from the magnet: (Caution eye protection required) The above statement may contain opinions, sarcasm and general BS. If you do not wear the proper eye protection you may be spontaneously compelled to insult my spelling and or grammar. If this happens immediately get a life, if symptoms persist consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Have you looked here? Lots of good info for those willing to do some homework...What you've got to understand is you are the 200th person this season to make a first post asking for info. Why would we tell a guy we don't even know where to go? If some guy you don't know walks up to you in a bar, no introduction, and asks where's a good place to hunt elk what would you do?

That's why I was looking at the Belts. High success ratio, low days/elk ratio, allows either-sex harvest...

But, again, I didn't have the time to scout. Well, actually, I DID have the time to scout, but I enjoy fly fishing just slightly more than I enjoy elk hunting, and I can't go fly fishing in November (at least not in the places I go). And I don't know how much scouting in August would relate to success in late November anyway. So my scouting is relegated Google Earth. What do you guys look for when scouting topos/aerials? I repeatedly see "benches" listed, but what does that mean exactly? Benches on what scale? 100 yd wide benches? 3 mile wide benches? I don't know what is meant by benches.

What do you do when snow limits how high you can go? Hike in as far as the snow will allow? I have literally spent almost no time in elk country that time of year, so I don't even know where to look for elk.

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