Montana/Idaho wolf management


New member
May 2, 2004
Seville, Florida
I just read about Gale Norton approving new rules for wolf management in Mt. and Id. in the march issue of Bugle magazine. I haven't seen anything else on the subject. Can someone enlighten me or direct me to something that will give me more information on the subject?
Thanks Ithica, Since I am computer illiterate I had only heard of google- didn't know anything about it. Now that I have been informed maybe I won't ask as many dumb questions.
Or here's a thought: How about we not be quite so snide, and simply share some of our vast knowledge with someone who is asking politely. Maybe, MAYBE even give some personal perspective we may have on the subject in an informative, non-insulting way.

I realize the people who post in SI have taken to ragging on each other constantly, but this is just going to continue to alienate our new users. I am tired to death of having new users email me and ask me what did I do wrong in SI? Lefty did not do this by the way, but plenty others have.

We want new members. We like new members. So back off a bit guys. |oo
I didnt think Ithacas post was insulting...informative for sure.

Plus, now after lefty reads the articles for himself...maybe he can form his OWN opinions on this issue, and he now knows how to use google...invaluable for looking up info.

I think its pretty important to understand an issue, at least partially, before listening to personal perspectives....JMO.

Another thing is usually people tend to ask for proof of some sort on the questions they ask...instead of taking someones word for something.

I like proof.
I may have read it wrong, if so I apologize. It sure sounded like sarcasm to me though.

Either way, even if I'm just being cranky tonight, I have gotten a few more complaints about this place so please keep it a little more pleasant.
Mo, you hit the nail dead center.

Thats exactly why I don't spend much time here anymore.
Well, Excuuuuuuuuuse me! :D I wouldn't characterize lefty's inquiry as a "dumb" question, I just believe in helping people learn how to research their topics of interest. If showing someone how to do their own research by using Google is offensive I'm sorry. I hope every time I provide the Google link some people will learn to use it and search for info about any subject that interests them. Kinda like showing them where the public library is and how to use it.

Give someone the info they ask for and it takes care of them for the day. Teach them to do their own research and it takes care of them for the rest of their life.

SI is a tough place. I like reading other's opinions and I like stimulating discussion of any issues, especially ones that affect our hunting and fishing. Anyone who comes here and expects it to be easy to impact other's opinions should quit dreaming. Some of us do research and provide links to back up our opinions , and posters who expect their BS not to be challenged are dreaming. Kinda like a debate society. Expect to have your points challenged if someone thinks they are weak. Prove your points and gain credibility and convert others to your side. :)

Mojave, I've taught people here how to cut and paste articles to substantiate their positions on issues, I've shown them how to research issues so they can better inform themselves, I've explained how debates are conducted and points are gained by coherent and articulate, logical and rational arguments. We provide more information and education here in SI than any other Hunt Talk forum. It takes time and work. The problem with the Internet is that it provides the same forum to well informed posters and fools. The debate rises to whatever level is demanded by the participants. This is just like real life here.

If posters want to have everyone swallow their BS without examining it maybe they should stay away. I'm happy to have anyone challenge my posts if they can show me where I'm mistaken. This is a place to learn, not to just pontificate, and I don't give a hoot if someone doesn't like my opinion. If they can convince me I'm wrong I'll gladly change my opinion.

If posters are emailing you with this kinda stuff, " I am tired to death of having new users email me and ask me what did I do wrong in SI? " just tell them to be prepared to debate an issue logically and provide some back-up. Don't waste our time with a bunch of uninformed half- baked opinions.

michaelr, I thought the reason you quit posting here was because anyone with any sense realized your links to Sheriff Mike and the other fluff you posted was an insult to anyone's intelligence. :D Most of the crap you posted wouldn't even be believeable to a gerbil.
michaelr, I thought the reason you quit posting here was because anyone with any sense realized your links to Sheriff Mike and the other fluff you posted was an insult to anyone's intelligence. Most of the crap you posted wouldn't even be believeable to a gerbil.

Thats exactly what Mo was pointing out.

I quit posting at S.I. because...
#1 I have a life besides the internet, A new baby, and alot on my plate.
#2 I don't need to waste time in stupid arguments with internet junkie like you.

If you and some others were not such self righteous, my way is the only way jerkoffs SI would still be alot of fun.
But you and your high and mighty buddies with your rose colored glasses have made it a frigging joke. Nobody is allowed to have a different opinion, nobody is allowed to poke a little fun, unless it is one of the "GANG".

Don't need it, don't need you,


Here is one last sherriff Mike for ya.

The Heritage of Hunting and Fishing
By Sheriff Mike Cook

As Americans we have rights. As a citizen of the various states we have rights as stated in the states Constitution. We also have privileges granted by the state. One privilege is a drivers license that is recognized by all states in the Union. Many states including Oregon grant the privilege to hunt and fish in that state for a fee. This activity supports an industry that is worth billions of dollars in all states, both public and private.
There are groups all over America and the world that would like to see this privilege removed from the citizens in America and elsewhere. Groups like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and the Humane Society of The United States along with other animal activists will do anything to see this stopped. One example is protecting large predators, including bringing back the wolf.

Well now we have two Republican state lawmakers in Ohio and Indiana who are planning to introduce legislation that would add an amendment to each of these state's Constitution guaranteeing the right to hunt and fish.

Ohio state Rep. Stephen Buehrer and Indiana state Rep. John Ulmer are introducing legislation that would change their Constitutions to read as follows, "The taking of wild animals, birds and fish through hunting, trapping and fishing is a valued part of this states heritage and the right to participate in these activities shall be forever preserved for the people."

Ten states have already put amendments in their Constitutions giving citizens the right to hunt and fish, while two states have it for fishing only, California and Rhode Island. That leaves a bunch of states without this protection. I for one would like to see this done by every state in the United States. I believe it would stop a lot of problems from organizations that would like to see this activity stopped.

In one article I read the people contacted in PETA and the Humane Society of the Untied States said they had never done any major campaigning in Indiana, however they were active in the dove hunting debate in Ohio. They also felt that amendments were a misguided use of a lawmakers time.

You can bet they don't want to see these passed in any more states. I think they tend to talk out of both sides of their mouths on these issues. The bottom line is if all hunting, trapping, and fishing was stopped they would be very happy. These groups will stop at nothing to push their agenda on everyone else. This includes committing crimes to get attention to the cause.

I for one would like to see our own state legislator here in Oregon put this up and vote it into place. However with Oregon being one of the Blues States it most likely will never see the light of day. Then people wonder why we are loosing people here in Oregon and we see them moving to other states. With one county out of 36 being in control of this state we have no chance of gaining ground on any of these issues.

I would bet that this amendment would pass in 27 to 29 of our counties however. So perhaps that old, State of Jefferson, is still a good idea for us here in southern Oregon. We could take everything east of the summit of the Cascade mountains and across the southern boundary of Lane county and make it a state, and include a few counties in northern California if they would join us. That is our only hope for what I think is the greatest freedoms and privileges that we as Americans can enjoy.

With that kind of a fresh start I think it would be one very great area to live in and perhaps we would once more have a great economy and pass something on to those young Americans still growing up in this great land of ours. Think about it.

God Bless America and God Bless our troops still in harms way.

Michael E. Cook, Coos County Sheriff, Retired.

P.S. Have a nice day :)
Hey Mike! You gotta get back here. I just found the site and realized that it has been hijacked by four or five treehugging, gubmint welfare sucking fudgepackers who are slamming anyone that questions their propoganda. Also figured out that these girly-men are often dead wrong on all the "research" they put out and when you pin them down they just weenie out and move on to the next bullshit "save the dwarf punkin poker" topic. Need you to add some logic here or this site will have only four people posting in a few months.
posted by mike from the sherrif...

We could take everything east of the summit of the Cascade mountains and across the southern boundary of Lane county and make it a state, and include a few counties in northern California if they would join us.

where do we sign up hump We could be one of the most
independent, albeit the poorest, state in the West :eek:

Mojave hit it right...

You others can justify in your own minds any thing you want. The truth is the truth and wrangling it around to what ever makes you feel good is doing you no good at all.

I will put a little insight onto some of my actions a while back, since a few still obviously don't get it ;) :)

Over the years, I have seen new people come down here with legitimate questions. There is so much to learn for some one new to the game, and so much to try and wade thru, it IS easier to ask people down here a question, there is a lot of knowledge that permeates this place.

I have watched these people and old posters just leave because of the snide, snotty attitude of those that can't act this way in their own daily lives. Since a few of you always need examples, one of the culprits is banned right now.

Any way, to get back to the point, after seeing an individual I really liked down here that always seemed to stay pretty neutral, leave in disgust because of the continual barrage of belittling these same elitist snobs dish out. I decided it was their turn to see what it was like. So I upped the level a step above (proportional to what they always dish out on a constant basis) on them by posting pictures and comments intent on doing the same thing to them as they do to others.

Needless to say, the first ones to start whining to the overhead and complaining about things being ruined was the same people that do this to others. Go figure :rolleyes:

While I promised myself that I would I not do this again, I am very glad the admins are stepping up and trying to make this a place where any one can actually learn some thing, especially the younger ones in our ranks: they are the ones that will be replacing us in the years to come.

If a few of you don't like this approach and leave, we will lose some valuable knowledge that could be imparted, but some one else will fill your shoes as is the way the world works. No one is irreplaceable. Time proves that always.

Any way!!! Enough of me on the soap box.

My hats off to you Mojave for working to make this a place even the kids can come to and learn from... :)

Check out this thread...the people you say are the trouble makers...are they really?

When was the last time you saw Ithaca, Elkgunner, 1pointer, myself, etc. post anything as rude, insulting, or vile as what Michaelr just did. He's typical of the crybabies, they dont like it when they're whipped by the this is the stuff they resort to.

Maybe if you want to play class monitor for the day, you should be crying about his classy post in this thread.

I dont think challenging people is bad, I dont believe making people think is bad, I dont think making people find their own sources of info is bad.

Thats all Ithaca did.

What I do believe is people are chicken skinned and probably sit back and let the world run you over with no fight. Let me tell you, life is a just have to pick what the correct fight is....

I also agree with Ithaca this is the only section on the board where ideas and info are freely expressed. It isnt for everyone, and if its not...theres a bunch more sections where group hugs, 270 vs 30/06 debates, etc. etc. etc. are much more appropriate...go there for that. That kind of stuff aint happenin' in SI.
ELKCHSR-True words. This is a good site but after contradicting the pinko group on the legality of retreiving game on an ATV in Arizona they jumped me so bad my butt hurt for several days. They were dead wrong yet continued to feed on each other with bogus data and attacks. Have to admit though that they do make the forums more interesting and judging from the number of posts and time of day I have concluded that Dubya definitely needs to increase productivity in their respective areas. Both sides get carried away at times but there is a lot of interesting info coming from the debates. JMO.
It's all in how it's presented Buzz…

You don't see a teacher any where that challenges their students as you purport is the way to do it, and they seem to get their points across.

Getting back to my point, I never mentioned any names in my post, but looky who jumps up first to defend themselves ;)

The guilty always have a tendancy to do that :eek: :)
For starters Ith it's the net not a university or the UN. It is your "opinion" that every statement needs to be validated by 5 sources and typed up in triplicate. That is not the rule in here. Kick back, relax a bit and enjoy the entertainment. No one is giving a pop quiz at the end of the week. Yes I agree there should be facts to back things up, it is not however your job (or anyone else's) to be the fact police and belittle everyone else when they don't follow your "rules of SI".

I'm all for teaching people to google, it's one hell of a tool. It has a lot to do with your tone though. There is no need to be dismissive. TEACH, don't make evryone feel demeaned.

Now as for michael, I feel your pain bro, believe me I do. But I will do suspensions on people who make personal insults, and yours is definitely teetering there. That goes for everyone. I realize we all have our favorite people on here, quite frankly off the internet I think Ithaca is a total sweetie. But the rules have to apply to everyone and the #1 rule on SI is No Personal Attacks. That last statement is meant for everyone. If SI goes into the toilet any further, y'all are going to be looking for a new place to argue because we won't be able to keep this site up and running.
Wow three posts while I was writing mine. Boy you guys are nothing if not fast typers. :) :D
Although I read Ithaca's first reply and thought it to be a little harsh to a question asked, I also see that it was not Ithaca that started to ramble on and start name calling. Althought the above posts did not mention any names, it was definitely aimed at certain members who frequent SI. So were those remarks any better? I don't see where one persons not posting down here, for whatever reason, really makes that much of a difference. It just shows me that it is not only one or two or the gang, that makes this place just plain sick to read at times. It will take the effort of everyone to change down here. Do you really want it to change? Sometimes I think not, because the same people come here everday and post regardless if they are called stupid or thanked for their efforts. It is not just the gang that is the problem, it is a little of everyone from what I have seen
michaelr consistently posted his infantile caricatures and whiny little baby pictures because he could never win any debate with facts.

Mo, "It is your "opinion" that every statement needs to be validated by 5 sources and typed up in triplicate. That is not the rule in here"

Maybe it's not the "rule", but posters who expect to win a debate with nothing but their own half baked opinions and no facts are unrealistic.

I agree with Buzz. We have plenty of group hug forums for posters who don't want to participate in any kind of factual discussions.

Go back up to the top and read this whole thread again slowly and objectively. Better yet, go read the last few hundred SI topics and see who provides information and who posts nothing but mindless opinions.