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Montana hunting, seeking nonresidents thoughts and opinions

I keep Montana as my backup state. Kind of like many people keep Colorado OTC elk hunts as their backup.

I've elk hunted twice in the last 5 years in Montana and both times I should have come home with an elk but I made a mistake and wasn't able to close the deal either time. I did see legal bulls both times, just didn't get it done.

It was better than sitting at home but I didn't go into it very high hopes so I wasn't disappointed.

Like Colorado, for elk Montana is primarily an opportunity state. Sure there are some premier LE tags in both places, but for the most part as a nonresident, you are looking for a legal bull either place. The exception for both states is private property. I think quite of few of the nonresident elk tags in Montana go to folks with an outfitter lined up for private property.

The last 11 years I've hunted elk in Montana (0 for 2), Wyoming (4 for 7), New Mexico (2 for 4) and Arizona (1 for 1). As mentioned both Montana hunts I saw a legal bull that I had a legitimate opportunity on. Just didn't pull it off for one reason or another. Both hunts I just had the one opportunity though, I didn't get a chance to correct my mistakes. I really had a good streak going in Wyoming both on luck in drawing tags and some great hunts. As good as Wyoming has been to me, that was also home to my worst ever elk hunt where I hunted the entire week without seeing a single live elk (Unit 41 after some snow up high pushed the elk down to private). In New Mexico the 2 unsuccessful hunts were nearly guaranteed 3rd choice tags that I still came really close to filling, the other 2 hunts were awesome seeing multiple elk every day. In Arizona the density of elk was amazing, it was never a thought that I wouldn't fill my tag, it was just whether I could fill it with a good bull or not.

With all that said, the reason Montana is my OTC backup state is because I am a Montana native and get the reduced price licenses. If I did not I think I would use Colorado as my OTC back up state because it is closer to me, has more elk, and would be cheaper.

My 2 cents. Nathan
I'm 32 and started elk hunting when I was 24. I have had a Montana general tag all 7 years I have elk hunted and have been fortunate to fill 5 of them all public land DIY. Three bulls with archery, one with a rifle, and one cow with a rifle. I have blown a ton of opportunities along the way and easily should have filled all seven years on bulls with my bow. The only reason I did not is because of poor execution on a few chip shots and extremely bad luck. IMO, the general elk tag is a great tag if you are willing to work your ass off. The ability to hunt 6 weeks archery which will get you through the entire elk rut and then be able to go back with a rifle for 5 weeks for 1K is a freakin deal. It's tough country and you have to hunt hard but the opportunities are there for those willing.

As for deer, the Montana general deer tag is the most over rated and over priced western big game tag available today. I have thrown my past three $700 deer tags in the garbage...and I hunt quite a bit so it's not from "not being able to get out enough". The country is beautiful and the adventure can be fun but the quality of the animals and the hunt on public land is garbage. There are a PILE of other western hunts for deer, cow elk, or antelope available for 1/2 of what MT charges. My .02

I completely agree, Blake. Being born and raised in eastern Montana in the 80's and 90's, it's sad to see how deer hunting in Montana has deteriorated.
Disagree with you on the deer part - if you put as much time into them as elk I’ll bet you could find a good one .

Ha. I spend the same amount of time hunting deer as I do elk. Also, I've shot 2 "good ones" in the 7 years I've had the tag. I've thrown the last 3 in the garbage. I don't consider 140 inch 3.5 year olds as "good ones". Especially not for $700+. Are you saying that ID general, WY general, SD, KS, CO 0 pt tags, can't produce the same hunt if not better for half of what MT charges? Have you been other places to compare? Just curious..

Care to share the good ones you have shot in 20+ years of hunting MT on public land? You have spent alot more time there compared to most. Would like to see what's out there if I put more time into it.
Ha. I spend the same amount of time hunting deer as I do elk. Also, I've shot 2 "good ones" in the 7 years I've had the tag. I've thrown the last 3 in the garbage. I don't consider 140 inch 3.5 year olds as "good ones". Especially not for $700+. Are you saying that ID general, WY general, SD, KS, CO 0 pt tags, can't produce the same hunt if not better for half of what MT charges? Have you been other places to compare? Just curious..

Care to share the good ones you have shot in 20+ years of hunting MT on public land? You have spent alot more time there compared to most. Would like to see what's out there if I put more time into it.

I don’t hunt public very much , mostly private . It’s kinda funny you bashing Montana and then you kill a skank in nd ? I’ve never shot mule deer that small anywhere . So before you go pointing fingers ....
I completely agree, Blake. Being born and raised in eastern Montana in the 80's and 90's, it's sad to see how deer hunting in Montana has deteriorated.

Super sad. Such a beautiful place and fun country to hunt. I just personally can't see the $700+ value plus the week vacation etc. for that tag as a NR. There are much better adventures to be had for half that tag fee and just as good if not better quality. Sure, there are a few mature bucks taken here and there but overall it's a joke for what they charge for that tag. They need to make changes before it completely bottoms out.
I don’t hunt public very much , mostly private . It’s kinda funny you bashing Montana and then you kill a skank in nd ? I’ve never shot mule deer that small anywhere . So before you go pointing fingers ....

That skank with my bow last year cost me $30. Not over 1k and vacation time :cool:

Please show us some private good ones.
I don’t hunt public very much , mostly private . It’s kinda funny you bashing Montana and then you kill a skank in nd ? I’ve never shot mule deer that small anywhere . So before you go pointing fingers ....
He just gave his honest opinion, and yours happens to be in the minority. On a side note I haven't heard the word skank since junior high, good to know it's alive and well among the best and brightest.
That skank with my bow last year cost me $30. Not over 1k and vacation time :cool:

Please show us some private good ones.

I understand that and u do make really good points . Not every state is going to be a trophy stars . It’s veey obvious Montana is managing for opportunities
He just gave his honest opinion, and yours happens to be in the minority. On a side note I haven't heard the word skank since junior high, good to know it's alive and well among the best and brightest.

I understand that and I appreciate his opinions he seems like good hunter . Yeh I dunno where skank came from ; maybe I should have said small or immature deer my bad . The deer combo in Montana is ridiculous price no doubt but don’t see it changing
The only reason I hunt MT anymore is because I can get a "native" tag and hunt with family. I have zero desire to do so otherwise anymore. I'm usually pretty hunted out by mid September and can't get to excited about leaving Alaska for mediocue hunting in MT. The hunting is shell of what it was 20-30 years ago. The best deer units in MT are as good as the worst in CO, and I can find more elk in couple days in CO than you will see in a month in MT on public. Quality is no different...

I do miss bowhunting elk, but I doubt its even worth the price of admission anymore. Used to have spots all to myself virtually every time, those same spots usually have a dozen rigs parked at the trailheads now and people are getting chewed on by bears each fall it seems.

Hard to get hyped up to hunt down the last raghorn or 3yo mule deer in the state. The management sucks.

I'd much rather go to WY or CO to hunt both deer or elk.
Worth noting that all non-resident hunters are called during the harvest survey while not all resident hunters are included, leaving a skewed perception as per the numbers.....
Thanks to all of you for your responses.

My perspective, as a Montana resident, is that Montana "Public Land" hunting has declined dramatically in the last few decades. It saddens and frustrates me to no end to see what Montana is leaving for our future hunters.

It is a fact that elk on Montana's public lands are damn hard to find these days. For elk, I would recommend that the "Public Land" nonresident hunter focus on the lands bordering the big Outfitted private lands. Hunt these lands during the archery season, the 900 permit and others are good-to-great for this! If your not an archer, hunt these public/private bordering lands general rifle opener.

Randy's 2018 Montana elk hunts, that can be viewed on Youtube, represent what Montana's "Public Land" elk hunting has become. I hunted that country with a few buddies that were going to college in Bozeman and couldn't believe the amount of elk we would see everyday. In the 80's through the 90's, you would see hundreds of elk during a weekend of hunting in that country! My buddies still hunt these areas every year via wall tents and horses but it is their general rifle opening week hunt only.

Montana's public land deer hunting is just like the it's elk hunting, there are just more deer than elk. Finding a buck on public land should not be a problem. Finding a public land mature buck, like the elk, have become damn hard to find!

I should also note that this winter started off fairly mild. Then February hit and the winter has been brutal ever since!

Good Luck to all with the draw..........after all a bad day hunting is much better than sitting on the couch! Montana is a great state to get outside, breath it's fresh air, put boots on the ground and take great sunrise and sunset photos.

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