NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Montana hates conservation easements?

This is from the AG speech on opposition to one of these easements. Pretty hard to listen to imo.

Superintendent of Schools Arntzen was the other no vote and she was probably just confused.

Red flashing lights on a school bus also trips her up.

Secondly, while we are distracted with the political theater, FWP is moving forward with the incredibly poorly planned idea of short term easements:

We need all hands on deck next week, August 25th, to show up in Helena and online to comment opposing the implementation of the short term easements until they can address some serious flaws in the their EA.

For example - FWP claims these are for sage grouse conservation, yet there is no actual sage grouse metric in the EA and my understanding is that the agency hasn't even talked to the DNRC which managed the MT Sage Grouse Oversight Team.
Short term easements may be a good idea in some limited areas, but this is a penny wise and pound foolish proposal that needs to be sent back to the drawing board and redone, otherwise the commission will be doing what they had to during season setting - sifting through the BS to find a diamond. That's not fair to the commission and it does Habitat Montana a massive disservice.

Suit up folks. Be polite, be concise and ask them to stop this effort now, and work to clear the backlog of conservation easements & fee title before they start to siphon off sportsmen's dollars for their pet projects.

It's clear the legislature and state land board don't support fee title or conservation easements held by FWP. So what should the agency do with that money?

You probably understand this better than me but this short-term easement thing seems awfully similar to CRP, especially with the focus on grassland habitats. But if it's the only way FWP will be able to have support from on high for spending their rather large pool of habitat money--given the leadership climate--I guess I figure it's better than nothing?

I of course much prefer FWP to be able to continue easements and acquisitions but it might not be up to them anymore.
We live in a state run by morons with a populace that is getting dumber by the day.
I’m not a mt res butt follow stuff.your spot on . Got some idiot politicians rite now . They like to listen to the Jack ass meat eater crew and drastically cut nr tags
It is better than nothing, yes. But, short term leases are simply not effective or a good value on the dollar in long term conservation planning.
Well yes, obviously. But if FWP is no longer able to do long-term conservation planning....

Maybe I'm a bit too hopeless about the future of Montana conservation politics. I don't see this angst toward states owning land (or easements) going away anytime soon.
Well yes, obviously. But if FWP is no longer able to do long-term conservation planning....

Maybe I'm a bit too hopeless about the future of Montana conservation politics. I don't see this angst toward states owning land (or easements) going away anytime soon.
Yep, if Montanans don't wake up and begin electing public land and Treasure State special places advocates, then we're about one session away from another "sagebrush rebellion" when the radical right wing politicians will vote to force the "gubment" to divest itself of "Last Best Place" public lands.

Note: We know we're in trouble when one of our US Senators won't even endorse the highly publicly supported, obviously beneficial Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act.
Shame on him! Woe is us!
Secondly, while we are distracted with the political theater, FWP is moving forward with the incredibly poorly planned idea of short term easements:

We need all hands on deck next week, August 25th, to show up in Helena and online to comment opposing the implementation of the short term easements until they can address some serious flaws in the their EA.

For example - FWP claims these are for sage grouse conservation, yet there is no actual sage grouse metric in the EA and my understanding is that the agency hasn't even talked to the DNRC which managed the MT Sage Grouse Oversight Team.
Short term easements may be a good idea in some limited areas, but this is a penny wise and pound foolish proposal that needs to be sent back to the drawing board and redone, otherwise the commission will be doing what they had to during season setting - sifting through the BS to find a diamond. That's not fair to the commission and it does Habitat Montana a massive disservice.

Suit up folks. Be polite, be concise and ask them to stop this effort now, and work to clear the backlog of conservation easements & fee title before they start to siphon off sportsmen's dollars for their pet projects.

I don't see short term easement on the agenda for Aug 25th. Is it appropriate to comment at the "non-agenda" items time or when? Please advise.